Ch 139: Sorting our teaching positions.

Atop the tallest tower in the unnamed Academy.

"This is a good view." Kyra says

"Yes, you can see most of the city." Sienna says

"It really has changed." Blake says

"That port reminds me of the one in Vale." Ruby says

"This place is huge!" Naruto says

"Of course it's bigger than the hidden village." Kyra says

"Okay, so we need a name." Weiss says

"Any ideas Osaka?" Kyra asks

"Koa?" Osaka asks

"Sounds good." Kyra says with a smile.

"You are naming the academy after a type of wood?" Blake asks

"It's a strong wood." Kyra says

"I'm surprised you know what that is. It's native to this island." Sienna says shocked

"So Koa Academy." Yang says

"I'm Headmaster." Kyra says

"I could be Grimm studies." Blake says

"Really?" Osaka asks

"Fine Osaka would be better for grimm studies if only she wasn't the same age as the students would be." Weiss says

"I can teach dust studies." Weiss says

"I call combat." Yang says

"Awe I wanted combat." Ruby says

"You can only wield a scythe." Kyra says

"Mom, can I go see the city!?" Naruto asks

"Sure just come back here when your done." Kyra says

"Okay!" Naruto shouts jumping out of the window riding the wall down.

"Oh my god! Did he just." Sienna asks shaken and a little scared.

"Blake? You wanna watch him?" Kyra asks

Blake nods and disappears into the shadows I. The room.

"When did Blake become able to do that?" Ghira asks having just arrived at the top floor.

"Oh, well it's a mutation of her semblance." Kyra says

"That makes sense kind of." Ghira says

"Say me Belladonna, could you maybe find this girl a family to stay with?" Osaka asks pushing Haruhime over to him.

"Hmm, I know a few fox Faunus families." Ghira says

"That would be great." Kyra says with a smile.

'Thank god I won't end up with another girlfriend.' Kyra thinks to herself.

"Thank you for saving me." Haruhime says

"It was no issue, why don't you go with the Chief here and he can help you out from here." Kyra says

"Mmhmm." Haruhime says with a nod being led out by Ghira.

"So, I got the technology and support position filled." Hana says

"So? When would classes hypothetically start?" Sienna asks

"In about 2 months. We need to take care of an evil being that wishes for the destruction of this world." Kyra says

"Are you sure that's how long it will take?" Osaka asks

"Surprisingly Mrs Starks prediction is scarily accurate. I have hacked Arthur Watts personal scroll and have picked up on Salem's plan to attack atlas in about a month. Then there is the few weeks needed for clean up." Jarvis says

"Yep." Kyra says

"Salem? Isn't that the woman Adam followed?" Sienna asks

"exactly, she wants the death of al sentient creatures." Kyra says

"Why?" Sienna asks

"Well, she is cursed with immortality." Kyra says as Osaka flinches.

"Okay how is that a bad thing?" Sienna asks

"Well, there is a way for her to die. She wants to die, at least I think she does." Kyra says

"Why do you think that." Sienna asks

"She can't die unless the planet dies. For some reason she wants to kill all life. I don't know if she thinks it will kill the planet or not though." Kyra says