144: Preemptive strike

"Alright touching down." Kyra says landing in a somewhat clear area of the city.

"Yay!" Ruby shouts bursting into petals as the mini gun also disappears from its stand.

"Ugh. She took the mini gun." Kyra mutters

"I'm going to go help evacuate civilians and leave the swarm to you youngsters. Knowing you, none of them will die." Tai says

"Don't go throwing around flags like that!" Kyra shouts at Tai.

"Sorry?" Tai says

"You should be." Osaka says knowing what a flag is.

"Okay, well me and Blake are going to go." Weiss says

"Blake and I." Kyra corrects before facepalming herself.


"So is your whole team here?" Velvet asks Yang after they fought off all the Grimm in that part of the city.

Suddenly there is a massive bestial roar.

"Ah, it seems Kyra is going all out or is bored." Yang says

"Wait? That roar was her?" Coco asks

"Yep." Yang says popping the P as a building suddenly goes flying over team CFVY and Yang.

"Umm. Isnt. I'm fairly certain there are no large Grimm in the direction that building came from." Velvet says

"Yes, but which way was the building going?" Yang asks

"Towards the Grimm..... who would use a building as a..." Velvet says realizing it's probably Kyra


Back in Ironwoods office her feels a miniature earthquake.

"What in the hell is going on out there!" Ironwood shouts in his office.

"Sir a giant ape seems to have just appeared in the middle of atlas." Winter says over the radio.

"And is any one shooting at it?" Ironwood asks

"It seems to be fighting the Grimm sir." Winter says

"If that's the case we can take care of it after the Grimm. Tell the pilots to ignore it for now." Ironwood says

"Yes sir." Winter says hanging up.

Ironwood looks at a holographic number to his right steadily going down.

"The androids are dropping like flies." Ironwood mutters

"Where is the air support at?" Ironwood asks himself looking at the window seeing a giant ape throwing buildings into the flying swarm of Grimm.

Over in the distance he can see 1 craft then 2 then 10 then there is suddenly hundreds of them.

Ironwood looks back and sees that the giant ape is gone.

"What!?" Ironwood shouts shocked before refocusing on what matters.


"That was fun." Kyra says to herself no longer a giant ape.

"I wonder if this will let me push the limits of my strength." Kyra says as she starts to float up into the air.

"Kame hame ha" Kyra shouts shooting off a massive ball of compressed Ki into the swarm aiming for Salem.

Just before it reaches its target Salem shields against it with her magic. It detonates sending a massive shock wave that pushes the floating island of atlas backwards.


"What in the hell was that!" Winter shouts pulling herself up off the ground.

"It seemed like a bomb of some sort ma'am." A random solider says.

Winter looks back at the radar only to be left speechless. Out of the millions of Grimm 1/8th of them are gone.


"Into the city! You weaklings can not withstand another attack like that!" Salem shouts causing the Grimm to flood the sky and streets of atlas.

Salem then looks at the source of the attack and sees a blond girl with golden eyes floating above the city.


"They are fleeing into the city. If a street shows no signs of fighting strafe it." Winter announces to all the pilots who start to dive bomb the streets of atlas.