Ch 203: Wands

Arriving at the Potter Vault.

"Key please." Griphook says

Harriet hands him the Key.

"When you said our daughter was Rich I didn't know you meant literal mountain of gold." Ruby says

"You should see some of the money in my vaults." Kyra says

"Yes the Windsor Vault is quiet full aswell." Griphook says

"We have an issue." Kyra says

"That is?" Griphook asks

"Dumbledore withdrew the Invisibility cloak." Kyra says

"It's just a simple invisibility cloak?" Griphook asks

"It's not a simple invisibility cloak it is the invisibility cloak." Kyra says

"But that would mean!" Griphook says

"The Potters have the cloak the Gaunts have the stone. Both are descendants of the Perville family " Kyra says

"I will try to rectify this situation." Griphook says actually sweating.

"Find out how he took it." Kyra says implying there may be traitors.

"Got it." Griphook says realizing its a lot worse.

"As long as it's not in Gringotts I'm going to steal it back." Kyra says

"Anyway, Harriet dear fill this pouch with coins and we can go shopping for your school gear." Kyra says throwing Harriet a pouch.

"Got it mom." Harriet says deftly catching the pouch and holds it open while a small mound of gold levitates itself into the pouch. Much to the amusement of the goblin watching.

"What? You thought we were not going to teacher her actual magic?" Kyra asks

"Yep, she doesn't need to wave a stick around to use magic." Ruby says

"Ruby, she's better at magic than you." Kyra deadpans.

"No mamma Ruby pure magical power doesn't count." Harriet finishes for Kyra.

"How does she take after you so well." Weiss mutters looking at Harriet who might aswell be a mini Ruby with green eyes yet Kyra's personality.

"We are ready to head back up." Kyra says


"Thanks for everything Griphook. Have a good day and pass on my thanks to Ragnok!" Kyra shouts waving goodbye while all the wizards stare and shutter a little when the goblin smiles.

"Goblins are lovely creatures." Kyra says as they leave the bank.

"Where to next?" Harriet asks

"Ollivander's of course." Kyra says with a smile hoping to give the small wand maker a heart attack.

"that smile seems scary." Ruby says

After a bit of walking they outside Ollivanders Makers or Fine Wands since 382 BC.

"Let's go in side." Kyra says opening the door

"Stop! Stop!" Ollivander shouts from inside.

"Yes?" Kyra asks confused

"Reel in your magic power! Do you wanna blow this place sky high!" Ollivander shouts.

"Ah, Sorry." Kyra says doing as he says while Weiss, Ruby, and Harriet do so aswell.

"That's good enough." Ollivander says motioning for them to come in.

"So, I have a few gifts and Harriet here needs a wand." Kyra says

"Gifts?" Ollivander asks

Kyra pulls out 3 boxes.

"Open them." Kyra says

Ollivander opens the first one to see 30 willingly given Phoenix feathers.

"I can have these?" Ollivander asks in shock

"Yes I just need to commission a staff." Kyra says

Ollivander opens another box to see it full of hairs of some kind.

"9 tailed fox hairs." Kyra says

He then opens the final box to see if full of more hair.

"Fenrir hair." Kyra says

"The god eating wolf?" Ollivander asks to confirm.

"That exact one." Kyra says with a smile

"What do you want the staff made out of?" Ollivander asks

Kyra then proceeds to pull a branch out of nowhere and hands it to him.

"I don't recognize the wood." Ollivander says shocked.

'Of course it's yggdrasil.' Kyra thinks to herself.

"Just know it's one of a kind. Also for safety don't let any house elves near it." Kyra says

"Got it now let's get miss Potter here her wand." Ollivander says as the tape measure begins to attack Harriet.


Several Hours later.

"How is it possible." Ollivander says with boxes all over the floor of his shop.

"You could always try making her one. I can guarantee the Phoenix feathers I gave you won't reject her." Kyra says since those are her feathers after all.

"Okay I wonder what kind of wood." Ollivander says

"Why not see which is drawn to Harriet." Kyra says

"Okay."ollivander says pulling out a box full of different types of woods.

Harriet almost immediately picks up cherry tree wood.

Kyra giggles.

"That's mostly used in Japanese wands that explains why you wouldn't have one already made." Kyra says

"You sure know a lot about wand lore." Ollivander says

"If I wanted to I could make her wand. I may know a lot about the field but when it comes to practical experience all of my wands have blown up in my face." Kyra says which is true since she has so much magic power.

Ollivander chuckles.

"That would happen wouldn't it. I'm guessing the material you gave me was to expensive to risk doing yourself?" Ollivander asks

"Yes it is, that's why I paid you generously." Kyra says

"That makes sense. Well come back in around 2 hours and her wand will be done. Your staff will take a month or two. I will owl you." Ollivander says

"Could you owl Dumbledore to tell Harriet here. Only Harriets owl can get to me and I think someone else is redirecting her mail." Kyra says

"That's convoluted and confusing." Ollivander says

"I wish I could help it but for some reason owls can't find me." Kyra says knowing it's mostly cause she's in another dimension.

"Just to make it less confusing. Comeback in 2 months." Ollivander says

"Got it well, let's go get the rest of your stuff Harriet while he makes your wand." Weiss says