Ch 206: Arriving.

"This is so boring." Harriet says

"'Well you locked the door so you ended up with no one to talk with. Well besides me.'" Kyra says through telepathy.

Harriets eyes lit up.

"Tell me a story!" Harriet says

"'Is all I am to you is a story telling machine?'" Kyra asks through telepathy.


Meanwhile at the Leaky Cauldron.

"What do you mean you are out of Floo powder!" Molly basically screeches.

"I mean we have had a lot of people use the fire place for the student rush recently and I haven't had the time to refill it." Tom says

"How am I supposed to get to Hogsmead!" Molly says

"Night bus? I mean as long as it's not under water it should take you there." Tom says


While Kyra is telling her story.

"Hello! You can't lock the doors it's not allowed!" A girl says knocking on the door.

Harriet opens it.

"Hello, have you seen a toad?" The brown haired girl asks

"No." Harriet says and is about to close the door before.

"Is that a Phoenix!" The brown hair girl basically screeches.

Suddenly other doors in the train cart

are opening.

Harriet left with little choice pulls the girl into her compartment closing the door once again.

"Don't shout is that a Phoenix next time you see one please." Harriet says glaring at Hermione

Kyra just chirps "'calm down it's fine.'" Kyra messages

"What do you mean it's fine! Do have any idea how many marriage contracts would be sent the second people find out about you?" Harriet asks

"'I forgot about that. Worst case scenario it's just removing a few noble families.'" Kyra messages again.

"The Phoenix is your familiar?" Hermione squeaks.

Kyra just nods.

Meanwhile Harriet just looks at Kyra dumbfounded.

Suddenly realization hits. Kyra's a god she doesn't really care and will do anything to protect her children.

Of course that's if the kid can not possibly handle the situation themselves.

"We are arriving soon! Get your robes on!" A prefect yells walking down the train cart.

"I'm Hermione, what's your name?" Hermione says

"Harriet." Harriet says

"What do your parents do? Mine are dentists." Hermione says and Kyra snorts however a bird does so.

"My Moms run a combat school for monster hunters." Harriet says wording her words carefully.

"That's so cool!" Hermione says

"So favorite witch or wizard?" Harriet asks under Kyra's direction.

"Yume!" Hermione says

"You know there is a theory that Yume taught the founders aswell as Merlin." Harriet says relaying Kyra's newest story.

"That's so cool." Hermione says

"Yeah Yume the immortal witch." Harriet says

"Immortal?" Heroine asks

"Well the last public sighting of her was during the blitz in WWII while the story of Camelot was 300 AD." Harriet says

Hermione goes wide eyed.


Arriving at Hogsmead station.

"First years! Over here!" Hagrid shouts holding a lantern.

Harriet and Hermione walking over there.

"What house do you want to get into?" Harriet asks

"Ravenclaw for sure." Hermione says

"Hufflepuff." Harriet says Hermione just looks at Harriet before nodding.

"No more than four to a boat!" Hagrid shouts

Harriet and Hermione sit in a boat.

"How come no one has noticed Kyra?" Hermione asks

"Notice me not charm." Harriet replies

Suddenly another student joins them.

"'Harriet I want to give that boy some Phoenix tears. Tell him to get it to his parents.'" Kyra messages thinking of Neville's parents

"Are you sure?" Harriet asks looking at Kyra

Kyra nods and Harriet pulls out some test tubes.

"Um hello I'm Neville Longbottom." Neville says

"I'm Harriet Potter. As far as I am aware our houses are still in alliance." Harriet says

"Is that a Phoenix?" Neville asks noticing Kyra cry into a test tube.

"Yes it is." Harriet says taking the test tube putting a stopper in it and hands it to Neville.

"Why?" Neville asks completely confused taking the tears.

"She wanted to. Something about your parents." Harriet says

Kyra isn't sure if Phoenix tears will restore state of mind so if they don't she will do it herself at the same time they administer the tears.

Meanwhile Neville nods absentmindedly before quickly realizing he's going to need to owl his Gran.

Hermione who was quite till now suddenly speaks out. "Only 3 are we missing someone?"

Kyra looks around and doesn't see any redheads besides Harriet.

"I don't think so?" Harriet says as Hagrid shouts for everyone to duck.

Harriet being the only one not to do so.

"Why aren't you ducking?" Hermione asks

"Well Hagrid has to cause he's really tall we on the other hand are short." Harriet says

"That makes sense?" Hermione says

"My Mother says wizards have no common sense." Harriet says

Hermione nods.

After the wonder that was the caves the boats come to a stop in front of the castle.