Ch 160: That’s a sword? It looks like a Hunk of Metal?

The group arrives at the boat that will sneak them into the land of waves.

Kyra looks at it and just wonders to herself.

'What is with the technology level of this world! That looks like a gas motor but we have to walk everywhere? Some people still use carriages and pulled carts. Yet this boat has a motor!' Kyra monologues internally just wondering is she should just unseal the "rabbit goddess" and defeat her without this who 10 tail bullshit thing.

"It's really foggy." Hinata says

"Girl, can't you use your eyes to see chakra? Doesn't every living thing have chakra?" Kyra asks basically informing everyone Hinata is the perfect scouts for the current circumstances.

"Kyra is right. Hinata should be watching the fog for an ambush." Kakashi says


"This is as far as I go." The man driving the boat says dropping us off at a dock.

"Hmm 1? No 2, probably going to ambush us in the forest." Naruto says

"You're a sensor?" Kakashi asks

"One can use chakra in many ways you don't have to be born a way to do it. It's always achievable through practice." Kyra says

"kekkei genkai?" Sasuke asks

"Those are technically blood line mutations. For most people any way. For other people it just means they are descendants from more than humans." Kyra says

"That's an interesting theory." Kakashi says

"It's not a theory you know? I lived in that time period." Kyra says cause technically she did.

Suddenly there is a blur as a person appears standing on a massive sword in the trees.

"Really? You ruined your element of surprise to look cool? You fail as a ninja." Kyra says

Zabuza visibly flinches at the taunt.

"So that's why the demon twins failed. Kakashi the copy cat Ninja." Zabuza says trying to continue the routine he had in his head.

"Kakashi? Can I take this I wanted to stretch my legs abit." Kyra asks

"Are you allowed to expose your existence?" Kakashi asks

"Meh?" Kyra says with the bird equivalent of a shoulder shrug.

"You a little blue song bird wants to fight me! Zabuza Momochi of the Swordsman of the mist!" Zabuza taunts.

"Sure." Kyra says flying off of Naruto's head turning into her Saiyan form as she hits the ground.

Kyra holds out her hand as a black and blue accented scythe appears in it.

Kyra gives it a twirl before stabbing it into the ground.

"So let's fight! You and your hunk of metal you call a sword and me and my scythe!" Kyra shouts

"That's no! That scythe is the same from the history books!" Zabuza Shouts

"Ah! Do you know who I am then?" Kyra asks

"No! That's impossible! You're long dead!" Zabuza screams with fear looking at the person who is very likely to be his death.

"Funny thing. Hero's may be remembered but legends? Legends never die." Kyra says swinging her scythe Zabuza goes to block but his sword gets cut clean in half the scythe stopping at Zabuza's neck.

"I give up." Zabuza says

"Great! You can call Haku out too." Kyra says with a smile.