Ch 162: Gato’s rather irrelevant end

"Why are we still here?" Sasuke asks

"Our current job is to protect our current escort until the bridge is done being built." Kakashi says

"Right and you prove we are sorry we are assisting you." Haku says

"They are right." Kyra says in her Phoenix form.

"What do you mean mom?" Naruto asks

"Well, who's to say that Gato won't show up with an army of bandits?" Kyra asks

"Will they?" Kakashi asks

"I don't know fate is my sister. And destiny my sister in-law." Kyra says confusing them all while Naruto laughs.

"But aunt Sandstorm wouldn't say anything cause that's boring." Naruto says

"Wait! The dreamer so you are dreams?" Kakashi asks

"And now they are reading to far into it." Kyra says mockingly even though they got it right.

Naruto just nods along with it knowing not to argue with momma Kyra. Not that she does anything bad, well besides taking away the cookies momma Ruby made.



"Close Hinata try again!" Kakashi shouts towards the pond.


"Out of chakra." Sasuke says lying one the ground having fallen from the tree.

"I could always send you to train with Kyra." Kakashi says as there is the sound of an explosion in the background.

"Aaahhhh!!!" Naruto's yell is heard getting closer accompanied by a splash into the pond Hinata is currently swimming out of.

"I'm good." A pale Sasuke says

"No! Kurama! Let's get her!" Naruto shouts as he begins to glow in Kubi chakra has he steps up walking on the water.

'He can already use 2 tails!' Kakashi thinks sweating a little looking at the blond standing on the pond.

Suddenly Naruto disappears from his spot.

"Is Naruto going to be okay?" Hinata asks worriedly

"I think he will be just fi-" Kakashi says but is cut off by the sound of laughter.

Then there was a roar followed by a spire of flames going into the sky.

"Are you sure?" Sasuke asks

"I'm not going over there." Kakashi says

After a few minutes it quiets down.

Kyra walks out of the forest which definitely isn't on fire, Kyra put it out. Carrying an unconscious Naruto.


"You need to teach me how to cook." Tsunami says

"But you can cook?" Kyra says questioningly eating a western style chicken meal.

"No one can cook like this." Kakashi says

"You guys haven't even tried cheeseburgers and milkshakes yet." Naruto says causing Kyra to face palm as everyone looks at her.

"Pizza is still really good too." Naruto says and everyone watches Hinata and Sasuke nod.

"So Chunin exams." Kakashi says sitting up.

"It's obvious you all will qualify." Kakashi says

"Awesome!" Naruto says

Hinata nods.

"I can't wait to catch up to my brother." Sasuke says

"You can participate." Kakashi says looking at Kyra.

"I will have you know I am technically a summon. So Naruto can summon me." Kyra says with a smile.

"Oh no." Kakashi says

"Exactly!" Kyra says with a massive grin.

Naruto suddenly puts down his fork and also has a foxy grin.

"Is it time to prank some people?" Naruto asks

Kyra just smiles at him.

Of course everyone in the room fears the worst.

Suddenly shouting can be heard outside.

"I guess Gato's here." Kyra says getting up.

Her body flickers as she disappears.

"There was no Chakra!" Kakashi shouts.

"That was pure speed." Zabuza says with a little bit of fear.

Suddenly 3 goons burst into the house.

"Kill the bridge builder." Goon 1 says before his neck is pierced by a fork that was thrown by Naruto.

Hinata is engaging one in Taijutsu.

Sasuke is doing the same aswell while Kakashi watches over them.

Goon one is currently on the floor drowning in his own blood.

"I feel sorry for Gato." Naruto says

"Why?" Zabuza asks

"Because if all of his men are rapists and murders odds are he won't have a quick and peaceful death." Naruto says

Suddenly screams from outside can be heard.

"Ah burning alive." Kakashi says smelling the horrible smell of burning flesh.

"Her favorite method for the monsters in human skin." Zabuza mutters knowing her legend.