Ch 172: Calm down and think.

"Wait, I'm stupid." Kyra says to herself teleporting into the room.

"Kyra! Hand now!" Ruby shouts out holding out her open hand which Kyra grabs and sends a mixture of her different energies through in a soothing manner to dull the pain.

Ruby mouths a thank you before focusing on pushing Lapis out.

Suddenly the room is filled with a baby's cry.

"Congratulations it's a girl." The Nurse says wrapping it in a towel.

"Thank you." Kyra says holding the baby.

"Pass her to me." Ruby says holding out her arms.

Kyra nods and hands over Lapis and catches sight of Yang's bruised hand.

"This will be you soon." Kyra says grabbing and holding Yang's hand healing it in the process.

"You aswell at some point in the future." Ruby says staring at Kyra who blushes.

"Yep, at some point you will be on bottom." Yang says with a grin.

"Not happening." Kyra says smugly

"Would you do it for me?" Ruby asks with the cutest puppy dog eyes ever.

Kyra just blushes and nods.

"We will hold you too that." Yang says with a smile.


"So, just a semi boring walk through the woods?" Sasuke asks as they are treching through the forest of death.

"It shouldn't be? Something must have scared the other creatures away... be on gaurd." Naruto says subtly sending out mana pulses to act as a radar.

'Oh that's a big thing alright.' Naruto thinks to himself after getting the outline of one of Orimachu's snakes.

Naruto's eyes narrow and become fox like as he rolls to the side.

As Naruto does so a massive snake lunges past him ramming into a tree.

Suddenly a massive black sword that appears to be made out of bones appears in Naruto's hand. A single swing cleaves the snake's head off.

The body wriggles around on the ground before going limp.

'I'm happy mom had me train against her Rathian form.' Naruto thinks to himself.

""Naruto!"" Hinata and Sasuke shout having reacted later with how fast that fight was.

"I'm fine." Naruto says resting the back side of his long sword on his shoulder.

"Is that the dragon stabber III?" Hinata asks seeing the blade from monster hunter.

"Yes it is. I made it in game and loved it so much I asked mom to get me one for my birthday." Naruto says proudly showing it off.

"Hahaha! How very interesting." A Snake like man says stepping out of the trees.

"Ah, the standard villain." Naruto says

"What do you mean?" Orimachu asks

"Well you would rather come and gloat than sneak attack." Naruto says pointing out how he isn't behaving like a normal ninja.

"You could make a good host." Orimachu says creepily.

"I thought you had an obsession with eye powers?" Naruto asks not having realized his resemble a fox and it seems like it's an eye trick rather than a kubi thing.

"Oh I do." Orimachu says pulling out his blade.

"Okay? I don't have any special eyes?" Naruto says somewhat confused.

"Naruto, your eyes resemble fox eyes currently." Hinata says

Naruto reaches into a pouch at his side and pulls out a mirror.

"Huh, what would you know, so they do." Naruto says looking at it.

Orimachu takes the opportunity to lunge and go for a stab.

Naruto deflects it with the mirror before swinging at it with the dragon stabber slicing the chakra blade in half.

'Of course a blade forged from elder dragon bones would cut through that cheap steal.' Naruto thinks to himself.

"Was that all you got?" Naruto asks looking at Orimachu's surprised face.

While Orimachu is still in shock.

"Try better next time." Naruto says flash stepping in front of Orimachu hitting him with the black side of the blade into a tree at several meters per second.

There was a splat followed by the tree falling over.

No one having noticed a panicked snake slithering away.

"That wasn't sushun there was no chakra." Hinata says shocked

"Huh? Yeah not all techniques use chakra." Naruto says

"Teach us." Sasuke says

"My mother's will once you meet them." Naruto says

"When is that?" Hinata asks

"Soon." Naruto says