Ch 185: Yang smash


Back in the main offices

"Ugh, it's so boring here." Kyra says sitting at her desk as magic quills do her physical paperwork for her.

"At least our project worked." Weiss says

"Yeah, that was fun." Kyra says smiling at the white haired girl.

Weiss blushes alittle at the smile.

"I wonder how Naruto is doing?" Weiss asks since they have been gone for 3 of their 7 days.

"Well, he has luck similar to me... so probably fighting world ending monsters right now." Kyra says sarcastically.

"That's not funny." Weiss says


Meanwhile in the ancient forest.

"Dodge!" Yang shouts as a Deviljo slams an azure rathalos on the location they were previously standing.

"Keep dodging!" Naruto shouts as the deviljo keeps repeatedly slamming the wyvern into the ground.


Means with Ruby's group.

"Finally found you." Yuna says since the Tobi has went into hiding ever since high and master rank monsters have started invading the forest.

The giant tree they are standing on rumbles.

"Since Professor Yang injured it and I want to get out of here quickly. I'm just going to bear punch it. Is everyone okay with that?" Yuna asks

All the girls nod and Ruby doesn't say anything since she gets where Yuna is coming from.

Yuna nods getting into a stance.

The ground is crushed below her feet as she is launched as super sonic speeds towards the Tobi.

"Bear Punch!" Yuna shouts hitting the Tobi in the back completely shattering its spine.

Shia runs up behind with her rapier stabbing it into the disabled Tobi's eye going into the brain giving it a swift death to keep it from suffering.

"Great now lets head back to camp." Yuna says putting the Tobi in bear box.


"Can't you two teleport!" Sasuke shouts after a bit of dodging.

Two audible face palms are heard however no one turns around to see it since they meet to watch to see where to dodge next.

"Also can't you just punch it into oblivion." Hinata asks

"Stupid flight of fight instincts!" Yang shouts before throwing herself right into path of the Deviljho's Azure rathalos attack.

There is a loud thud.

However the Deviljo doesn't lift the Rathalos up and try's to put more weight on it.

"That was so weak too!" Yang shouts as she suddenly pushes the Azure rathalos up before throwing it up knocking the deviljo off balance knocking it on to its back.

The Deviljo gets off of its back and roars staring down the blonde.

"Oh. Let's do this." Yang says hitting her first together as her semblance activates.

The amount of damage her aura tanked from the deviljo is enough to kill most hunters 10 times over.

"Go momma Yang!" Naruto shouts before throwing some popcorn into his mouth.

"Naruto where did you get that?" Sasuke asks

"Share with me." Hinata says

Naruto just nods at Hinata.

"Trade secret, I counted with my fingers, take your pick." Naruto says before turning back to see Yang one punch the deviljo like she was Saitama.

"She's..." Sasuke begins to say

"Really Strong." Hinata finishes.

Suddenly a Bazelgeuse flys over and roars at the group.

"Shut up!" Yang shouts activating her shot gun gauntlets which are basically mini gernade launchers at this point.

And proceeds to shoot the creatures wings knocking it out of the air before she rushes it still in rage mode obliterating it with one punch aswell.

"Damn it this is why I hold back!" Yang shouts upset at not having a good all out fight since her last spar with Kyra.

"So, She's the one training you two. For the rest of the day then you get Ruby again tomorrow." Naruto says

"Hmm, well I wouldn't mind the scythe. She handles it extremely well." Sasuke says


"Maybe I should go on a walk again." Kyra says

"Every time you do so far we have ended up with a new student." Osaka says walking in.

"Osaka Welcome, any insights into what your developing divinity is?" Kyra asks looking at her

"Not yet, but I should be able to tell soon." Osaka says

"Well, our Pantheon currently has

A goddess of Fate (Sandstorm)

A goddess of Destiny (Lisa)

A goddess of Dreams (Kyra)

A goddess of the forge/fire (Shirone)

A goddess of Bears... I actually haven't talked to her about that yet. Wonder if she noticed?" Kyra questions

"There is the to be goddess of death aswell." Kyra says knowing Harriets destiny.

"Hmm, do you think the other girls will join you in the ranks of godhood?" Osaka asks

"Probably, hopefully it won't take them as long as it took you." Kyra says as a joke

Osaka pouts cutely at this.


Out for a walk in the woods.

"Nice and quiet crickets are chriping." Kyra says when suddenly she feels something tap on her leg.

Kyra turns around wondering how something snuck up on her.

"Excuseee me miss but do ya kno da waye." A red blob says

"Kill it! Kill it with fire!!!" Kyra screams setting off a small... fine not so small of an explosion in the woods.

( A/N Decide what she runs into during her next walk in my discord channel. Cause I'm up suggestions.)