Ch 234: New Students, new daughter. What did I get myself into.

"So... what did you do?" Kyra asks with her arms crossed.

"Ah, well I blew up part of the underworld." Rias says

Kyra's eye twitches.

"You did what now?" Kyra asks

"So my father decided it was a smart Idea to have betrothed to an older devil from my brothers generation." Rias says

"Are we absolutely certain you are not related to Sandstorm." Kyra mutters.

"Who's Sandstorm?" Koneko asks

"That doesn't matter. So what do you want? You are obviously strong enough to go back." Kyra says since Rias has holy power she can kill even ultimate class devils.

"I wanna get stronger." Rias says

"How do you plan on doing that?" Kyra asks

"By attending Hogwarts." Rias says

Kyra sighs.

"I got an alternative. It's the best combat school around." Kyra says

"Combat school?" Rias asks confused.

"RWBY." Kyra says

"Ah, those kind of combat school's will they teach me how to use magic though?" Rias asks

"Osaka probably will... It's my school, Koa academy." Kyra says

"Alright! Lets go then!" Rias says excitedly since she is going to a school run by a god.

"I can send you there and come a few minutes after. You should know how dangerous the wizarding world is." Kyra says

Rias nods while Koneko just seems lost.

"I also plan on going back for cannon." Rias says with a smile.

There is an audible snap as the Duo disappear.

"I guess she will get really over powered really quickly." Kyra mutters as she flames away to the great hall.

"Harriet dear, I have to make a run home will you be okay?" Kyra asks

Harriet nods.

"Great be right back." Kyra says as she too disappears from her spot.


"Where did your mom go?" Susan asks

"She probably has an important meeting to make or something." Harriet says

" ah, sounds like fun." Susan says sarcastically

"She's also a headmaster, one of her duties probably came up. That or Atlas finally decided to declare war them and their corrupt council." Harriet says

"It's probably not a war. Who's atlas?" Susan asks

As a blue Phoenix lands on Harriets hat.


Meanwhile back at Koa.

"So, Welcome to Koa academy." Kyra says

"Wait, you didn't leave our daughter alone in that world did you?" Lily asks

"No I left a clone." Kyra says

"Good, now who is this?" Lily asks

It's only then does Kyra notice that Lily is hugging Rias.

"Are we adopting her?" Lily asks in a way that isn't a question.

Kyra sighs

"I guess we are. Harriet will be happy to have another sister along with well all the girls." Kyra says

"Don't forget our son aswell." Kushina says as she walks in.

"Usually I'm bombarded by you all whenever I get home." Kyra says

"They are teaching classes currently." Lily says

"Do I get a say in any of this? I already have parents." Rias says

"You mean the ones that sold you?" Kyra asks

Rias goes quiet while the other two women look at her even more lovingly.

Well before Kushina notices Koneko and she of course picks up the girl and starts talking about chakra potential and how she will train her.

"What have I gotten myself into." Kyra mutters.

"I got to go back to Harriet. Make sure our two new daughters meet there other mothers okay." Kyra says with a smile.

"What?" Rias asks

"Welcome to the family." Kyra says with a small hug to Rias before she disappears.


"I'm back." Kyra says

"What happened?" Harriet asks

"We adopted another 2 daughters." Kyra says

"Really?" Harriet asks with stars in her eyes.