Ch 238: Louisiana.

"Ready to go?" Kyra asks since she has been keeping an eye on mystery Ink.

"Yep." Harriet says

Luna also nods.

"We should stop by Charme Ruelle." Kyra says

"Sounds good." Harriet says

"Is that really the name?" Luna asks

"Well it's one of many, it's Louisiana... Voodoo actually survived pretty well there along with in Haiti." Kyra says

Harriet nods at that.

"Let us go shall we?" Kyra asks as her hair suddenly changes to a full black color.

The girls nod as two clones replace them.

"That magic is so cool." Luna says

"You say that now wait till the headache after." Harriet says

With a pop the trio are standing in Charme Ruelle.

"Wow... this place is so big." Luna says her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah Britain is a bit behind when it comes to the magical allyways and all of that. They really never recovered after the damage done from WWII." Kyra says as they walk around the bright and colorful allyway...

Kyra definitely isn't scared to take them to the allyway names after her, she definitely didn't change her hair color to hide or anything.

"Hello?" An older witch asks as they walk into a magical ice cream shop.

"Hi!" Luna says excitedly.

"I knew you weren't from around here but tourists rarely come to this alleyway. They usually go to Nimue." The older witch says

"What does the queen mother of fairies have to do with anything?" Luna asks

Kyra looks away awkwardly. Luna may know she is Yume ,but few have put Yume and the lady of the lake together.

Just like how very few put Egyptian goddess Isis and Yume together.

"Luna where did you hear that from?" Kyra asks

"Father is welsh so I have heard plenty of stories." Luna says happily.

"Uh Huh." Kyra says secretly she was both lady of the lake and Yume at the sametime way back when keeping a secret identity was a good idea.

Harriet gives her mother a sideways glance.

"So what flavors do you want? I recommend sweet lemon peanuts." The older witch says while trying to secretly look at Kyra and squinting.

"Mint chocolate chip?" Harriet asks

"I will have the same." Luna says

"Alright." The older witch says before trying to peek another look at Kyra to find her gone.


'Wait wasn't my hair fully black when, ahh I'm an idiot.' Kyra thinks to herself as she changes it back to normal hoping no one recognized her.

"This is why I usually avoided religious French areas." Kyra mutters because well there are honestly too many fairytales about her and all of her different names.

"Mom why did you step out?" Harriet asks

"It's nothing just a little embarrassing." Kyra says while Luna looks at her quizzically.

"How long do we have?" Harriet asks

"About 2 hours." Kyra says

"Can we check out Nimue alley?" Luna asks

"We still need to find mystery inc in 2 hours." Kyra says

"Right. We should look for them." Harriet says because well her mom doesn't wanna be found out.

"But this place is so colorful, I bet Nimue is even more beautiful." Luna says her eyes sparkling.

"Maybe before we leave." Kyra says

"Thank you." Luna says with a really bright smile.


Meanwhile the gang are currently at a fortune teller who can summon a ghost.

The woman summons a ghost which ends up scaring shaggy and Scooby who run into a hidden room with a projector.