291: Help has arrived.

"We are coming up on them Kyra," Weiss says trying waking Kyra up

"Let her sleep Weiss, she kinda needs it." Yang says as she gets up with a stretch.

"True I mean 3 of us are technically A list hunters in their guild." Weiss says

"*Yawn* Are we there yet?" Ruby asks waking up.

"Yep, we arent gonna be setting down but should Heli down." Yang says


Meanwhile, down on the surface, there are teams of hunters at work on repairing the sand skiff.

"Admiral there is an airship above heading this way." A handler says

"Really? Did the guild send back up?" The admiral asks himself

Suddenly a vehicle detaches from the airship and heads towards them.

The flying craft kicks up dirt and dust as it lands just outside their temporary camp.

"Hello, We kinda accidentally ended up over here in the great desert after a storm took us from the New World." Yang says as she dismounts the vertibird


A few seconds back in the vertibird.

"So how are we gonna explain us being here?" Weiss asks in English

"I got it covered." Yang says patting weiss on the shoulder.

The second she steps out a believable Lie immediately exits her mouth.

"Admrial!" the hunter that was picked up by the Koa group says as the exits the Vertibird aswell.

"You found him, great we were gonna mount a search after we repaired our ship here. Those to diablos did a number on it." The Admiral says

"So, I am Admiral Ron, if you're from the new world you know my cousin." The Admiral says with his hand out for a handshake.

"Ah, of course, the Rajang," Yang says shaking his hand which gets a hearty laugh out of the man.

"Right so I'm from the other side of the tear the Xeno-Jiiva made." Yang says

"Ah, from Koa. It's great to have you here." The Admiral says

"Right so that ship is full of students from the academy, our best guess is some how the tower pulled us here instead of us arriving in the new world. So we plan on helping you deal with it before we make the voyage back." Weiss says

"That's reasonable, if it pulled you here your lucky you were the firsts then. Imagine how many good hunters would've lost their lives in that desert." The Admiral says

"We also picked up some other people from another world that were pulled here by the tower. Kyra should be able to maybe get the tower working properly." Yang says a light version of their plan.

"Who is Kyra? You mean Headmaster of your academy what would she know about the tower?" The Admiral asks confused

"Sorry, right In your books it would've been Yume." Ruby says

"Ah, the last ancient. Wait, shes the headmaster of Koa. " The admiral says shocked.

'maybe she fleed to another world when the ancient destroyed themselves.' The Admrial thinks to himself nodding at his own hypothesis,

"She would hit you if she was here luckily we left her back on the airship since shes tired a well yeah," Yang says

"How did you weather the storms here if you don't mind me asking?" The Admiral asks

"Kyra made the ship, so probably technology from the ancients (Fallout world)" Weiss says

"Right, that would make sense." The Admiral says with a nod.

"So, want some help preparing? we should have spare supplies aboard and some students that are fairly good with ships living on an island nation and such." Yang says

"That would be greatly appreciated." The Admiral says as Weiss nods and grabs a radio from a pouch in the veritbird.