Ch 307: Assault of Argus

The sound of jet engines spooling up are heard as a dust is kicked up from the dirt runway.

"Go go go" is headed over the airfields Louis speakers as 2 squadrons of A-10s take off to dispatch freedom.

"We got music?" A pilot asks since every major battle has seemed to be accompanied by a song.

(Kick Start my heart )

A song begins to kick on as they fly over the forest.

It isn't long before some F-22s join them up above.

"So, target as discussed the Atlas base on the coast along with the communication towers." The squadron leader says.

"Do try and keep the civilian casualties to a minimum the country is likely to go crazy since their leaders were assassinated last night." Rias says over the speaker.

"Rias?" The squad leader asks with a sigh.

"Yes?" Rias responds.

"My pilot is fine right?" He asks

"Yep he's good, he should be doing final checks on his new plane for tomorrow's battle." Rias says

"Tomorrow?" The squad leader asks

"You will find out about it if you get out of it alive." Rias says as Argus comes into view.

The A-10 she was in breaks off as the music starts to pick up.

"Alright men remember your target." The squad leader says as he turns on the 30mm freedom cannon.


Meanwhile over the ice cold seas a single squadron of 12 viertabirds fly towards Argus.

"Be ready!" Yang shouts from inside one.

"Are we gonna face opposition?" Kota asks

"No you're just gonna be in for the shock of your life." Yang says as the military base comes into view.


"What was that?" Kitty asks

"Don't worry we aren't the target." Yang says hitting her fist together according to what Kyra said she should have a great time.

That is a loud and large explosion in the distance.


"What the hell is that thing!" The squad leader shouts seeing the massive Robot come to life.

"That's their counter measures against leviathans." Rias says as her A-10 does a low fly by of the atlas base which is on fire.

Explosions occurring in the air as slow Dropships are made into piles of scrap by A-10 cannons and F-22 20mm.

An A 10 takes an explosive round to its wing and keeps flying.

"Blue Fox you should return to base that probably knocked out a hydraulic system." Rias says as she lines up a run on the massive Jeager.

The 33mm dent the armor in some places and penetrate it in others.

"Stronger than atlas' tanks." Rias says

Those tanks look more like Swiss cheese than actual tanks.

The Jeager points it's hand cannon at them.

"I believe it's time to RTB well done everyone." The squad leader says as the F-22s prepare their final bombing run.

"I'm gonna stay and watch." Rias says

"Watch what?" The squad leader says as he notices a mini gun open fire on the Jeager to get its attentions away from the planes.


"Is that what I think it is" Naaa says

"Take us low I'm gonna need to be near the water for this." Yang says The virtabird begins to lower it self and Yang hops out and is standing on the water.

"It took awhile but I can do it now!" Yang said as she takes a stance and begins throw punches which blast out energy at the Jeager nearly knocking it over.

The Jeager manages to find Yang and as it reaches its arm back to throw a punch its entire right side gets covered in ice.

"Where you really gonna have all the fun without me!" Weiss shouts as she touches the water it becomes ice below her giving her a stable platform to stand on.

"Kyra told me there would be a fun fight." Yang says

"That's why you snuck off?" Weiss shouts

The ice holding the massive behemoth in place begins to break and fall into the water.

"Weiss care to land me a hand so we can ice this robot." Yang says

"You're getting worse!" Weiss shouts as she forms a giant ice spike in front of Yang.

Yang hits the ice with enough force to shoot it like a massive bullet impaling the Jeager.

With that the last of atlas forces on the continent of Anima have lost.