Ch 332: I’m gonna ruin this whole mans career.

"Hello people of Japan. We are here at the Diet building. Hoping to see some of the other world hero's who helped defend Japan during the Ginza invasion by the empire beyond the gate. From our information we are gonna meet see the president of Niwaki today." A news anchor says


"So what is the purpose of this?" Ghira asks

"Well, it's a bit unprecedented since it's more of the governing body wanting to more about us. You know since different world and a new frontier and such." Kyra says

"I guess that makes sense." Ghira says

"Yeah but their government never expected something like this to happen, I mean who else expects another world to connect to theirs." Kyra says

"I mean, it's happened to us before." Ghira says

"True but that was a natural disaster thanks to a insane amount of energy from a dragon dying. It's energy leaked over and punched a hole in reality." Kyra says

"Remind me to introduce you to some theoretical physicist later." Caroline says

"Where do you think I've been going when I sneak into the states." Kyra says


"Neil is an amazing man. Apparently quantum mechanics and exotic energy physics have a lot of properties in common." Kyra says as she hugs Lapis who's in her lap.

"Are you sure that's safe?" A American guard asks

"If it was anyone else I would say no." Ghira says looking at how Kyra is holding lapis in her lap while on a car.

"She however is the strongest huntress in our world." Ghira says

"Ah, I remember now, you caught a tank shell." a different one escort says

Suddenly the cars in the convoy slow to a stop.

"I guess we are here." Kyra says opening door to get out as a lot of Niwaki's escorts catch the attention of the populace.

Kyra is letting her own tail out behind her making sure to hold Lapis's hand as they walk into the building. With dozens of camera pointing at them.


Inside the government building.

"We don't exactly know what to talk about." One of the government representatives says.

"Just ask any questions you may have, we may do the same when your ambassador visits." Kyra says

"What is Niwaki like? And how does it differ from Koa?" A man asks before a translator says it in English since Ghira.

"That's a broad question, I would say we are a fairly large island nation, with forests rivers and cities." Ghira says

"Now Koa, is our combat academy." Ghira says

"What's a combat academy?" A woman Kyra immediately recognizes from the anime walks upz Kyra hands Ghira Lapis before going to deal with the politician.

"Well to talk about the combat academies we need to talk about grimm and hunters." Kyra says as she plugs in a flash drive and opens up a power point she made.


"Do we have to worry about the grimm coming here?" A politician asks after the long PowerPoint.

"It is unlikely, the grimm are the reason we have the hunters. And we have the combat academies to train hunters." Kyra says

"Why are you qualified to talk about all of this?" The woman that started the whole conversation asks

"Well, that's because I am the headmaster of Koa academy. In most other countries in our worlds the hunters are also the army. Koa just wanted to do it differently hence the guild system." Kyra says

"So child soldiers?" The woman asks

"Combat school is no different to us than college is to you all. It is the only place to really further ones education. I went to a combat school." Kyra says

"It's still indoctrinating children to fight." The woman says there are several loud face palms. Coming from the older politicians.

"I think that's extremely hypocritical coming from Japan." Kyra says


"How did, you even get your position without knowing your own countries history." Kyra says

"During WW2 who gave bomb backpacks to children and said they would need to sacrifice themselves for the emperor if the Americans invaded. Who loaded a plane with explosives and told 17-20 year olds to ram themselves into American ships." Kyra says

"I don't know about you, but we teach our students how to survive." Kyra says with as much venom as she can in her voice.

"Our worlds our different we have creatures that can wipe out entire villages if no one knows how to fight them. Were you not paying attention at all to the PowerPoint on the creatures of the grimm?" Kyra asks