Ch 358: Air show.

Tow aircraft carriers pull up to the beach before laying down anchor a few thousand meters from the coast.

"Umm, are you launching A-10s from a carrier?" Itami asks

"Yep, it took a bit to outfit them to do so." Kyra says as the catapult launches 2 A-10s into the air.

Suddenly 2 Corsair engines start up and take off the carriers climbing at 90 degrees showing the power of the dust engines. Both spiraling around eachother as they go up trailing smoke behind them.

Suddenly the carriers deploy blast deflectors as a F-23 and a F-22 are brought up the lifts and taxi over to the runways.

Both line up and start to spool their turbo engines.

Suddenly Danger Zone begins to play from both carriers simultaneously as both Jets are catapulted into the air.

Coming from left to right going over head a Corsair is flying upside down over the beach with its landing gear out.

Vertibirds take off from the carrier deck along with more Corsairs.

"Oh? They are practicing formations?" Kyra asks as wings of Corsairs fly over the beach in formations before breaking off to end up back over the ocean.

Suddenly several of the corsairs begin to pull insane maneuvers pulling upwards of 9Gs on some of those turns. Their guns flashing as they are firing blanks.

"Are they mock dog fighting?" Itami asks shocked at the maneuverability and acceleration of the Corsairs. After a few minutes of the mock dogfight it's down to the final 2. With them literally trying to bait each other into a stall which isn't possible on those planes.

Suddenly landing flaps are deployed as the plane is going straight up is purposely stalled flipping over backwards.

There are a few flashes from the blanks as the chasing plane was mock shot out of the sky.

The victor is pulling out of a flat spin nearly touching the water while the second place lands back at the carrier.

The Corsair levels out deploying its landing flaps again doing a victory lap over the beach with its canopy open the pilot waving at the crowd flying low over the water.

"That was insane." Itami says

"I didn't know we had pilots like that." Kyra says watching her daughters cheer at the show.

The 4 Vertibirds with their door open now obviously can be seen to have cameras in them start to make their way towards the beach doing a vtol landing.

Suddenly in the distance Mach cones can be seen as the F-23 and F-22 are flying in near the speed of sound as Danger zone ends and born to be wild begins to play.

As the two jets begin to roll around one another before pulling up and always from each other over the beach.

"This breaks so many rules." Itami says

"Yeah, but they are having fun. I'm fairly certain those two are aces." Kyra says

" 2 aces?" Itami repeats a little surprised watching the show.

"What does Ace mean?" Rory asks having her attention pulled from the show.

"It means they've shot down atleast 5 other air craft. I mean all of our older pilots are aces. The war against atlas saw several thousands of planes/ glider/ ships shot down." Kyra says

"Considering the last American ace got it in Vietnam. Your pilots are more battle tested." Itami says

"Yes, our ground and power armor units can destroy most infantry aswell." Kyra says

"Did you hear?" Itami asks as the two 5th generation jets land on the carrier.

"What?" Kyra asks

"The Americans are dusting off some F-86s to use as scout craft for the Gate." Itami says

"Throw in the F-84 and maybe we can give the older members of the North Korean government PTSD." Kyra says getting full blown laughter out of Itami.

"Also, we plan on selling corvette class ships since I have a way to get those smaller ships through." Kyra says

"Who are you planning on selling them too?" Itami asks

"Well, every allied Navy, I might gift a few to the South African coastguard to help them with their illegal fishing issue. After all they are bound to stop poaching of you start shooting." Kyra says

"What now?" Itami asks

"You have no clue what state the oceans of earth are in do you?" Kyra asks