Ch 369: Sending out an SOS.

A few days have passed since the last meeting.

"So you and Edinburgh?" Kyra asks

"Yes, we are departing in an hour." Sheffield replies.

"Want to ride aboard my ship?" Kyra asks

"Wouldn't that be a dead giveaway?" Sheffield asks

"Not as much as you think. I shouldn't have a bigger radar cross section than a seagull." Kyra says

"I'm sorry what?" Sheffield asks dumbfounded.

"You'll see once we are out to sea." Kyra says

Helena, Harriet, and Luna suddenly rush by.

"I'm so glad those two are making friends." Kyra says

"They also came with you didn't they?" Sheffield asks

"Yes, but they aren't nearly as old as I am. I consider them my daughters." Kyra says

Sheffield nods.


"Cleveland! We picked up a distressed signal!" Helena shouts.

"Well, there goes our conversation time." Hornet says

"Yes it appears so." Enterprise says

"You can't just let the younger ones go?" Hornet asks

"You know I can't do that sister." Enterprise says leaving.

"At least she's responsive… it probably helps that Kyra stopped her from getting damaged in the last few fights." Hornet says

Belfast nods to the side.

"Watch her for me okay?" Hornet says


"Ready to go?" Kyra asks

"Yes." Sheffield says

"I'm gonna need you keep what you see quiet from everyone else." Kyra says

"What does that mean?" Edinburgh asks

Kyra deploys the Sapphire slightly regretting naming the ship after her legal name.

"This! Siren! You are a siren!" Sheffield shouts terrified.

"Actually I'm more advanced than the sirens." Kyra says awkwardly scratching the back of her head.

"What!" Sheffield shouts training her guns on Kyra.

"When people play with time things get messy." Kyra says relaxed knowing those guns will do nothing to her.

"Time… wait the sirens are!" Sheffield says

"Yes." Kyra says

"Oh my god Sheffield you won't believe the speed we are traveling at!" Edinburgh says running up to the two.


"They should be that way." Harriet says leading the group.

"I'm surprised you can detect them in this weather." Enterprise says

"That's a Siren!" Cleveland shouts

"Cover my flank." Enterprise says running forward.

"Right." Harriet says

"Not like you brought planes that could take off in this weather." Luna says

"… I know." Harriet says

"Flame out on take off would be devastating." Luna says

"I said I know!" Harriet says


"That out fit they must be from the Dragon emphry." Enterprise says

"Hello, I mean you no harm. I'm Enterprise from the Azurlane. We received your distress signal." Enterprise says


"I can't believe we avoided that storm." Sheffield says

"I know how to sail. We should be there in about 2 days." Kyra says with a shrug.

"Just two days!" Sheffield shouts

"What? If I were to actually haul it I could do it in a day?" Kyra asks confused.

"It takes weeks to normally make that trip!" Edinburgh says shocked.

"Really?" Kyra asks

"You know, I wonder where Texas is." Kyra says

"Probably helping fight against the iron blood." Sheffield says


"I'm still worried about what Sapphire said." Elizabeth says

"What do you mean your majesty. Sapphire even said that it didn't happen." Hood says

"Didn't happen here. Which is concerning, especially with how Enterprise reacted." Elizabeth says

"You don't think that the sirens reality bending ability goes as far as to mess with time do you?" Hood asks

"If they could that would be very worrisome." Illustrious replies

"Which is why I have Belfast following Enterprise. If she came from that timeline as I am beginning to believe. Enterprise watched everyone she knew die." Elizabeth says

"Yes even if that hasn't happened here. Even if that wasn't real that would break a lesser person." Warspite says