Ch 371:

"So I'm in Japan again." Kyra mutters walking down the streets with a bunch of classical Japanese buildings.

"This place is amazing." Edinburgh says

"Of course it is." Kyra says leading the two British ships down the road.

"It's almost peaceful." Sheffield says

"Yes, that is why this country is so loved." Kyra says

"It's crazy how they get people like Akagi here." Edinburgh says

"Are we looking around?" Kyra asks

"Yes, me and Edinburgh will go that way." Sheffield says

"You don't have a plan do you?" Kyra asks

"Do we need one?" Edinburgh asks

"I'll cover for you I guess." Kyra says

"What does that mean?" Sheffield asks perplexed

"You'll see." Kyra replies cryptically.


"Yang!" Ruby shouts

Yang meanwhile is working on the mountain of paper work that Harriet had put off as the leader of the Niwaki forces on earth.

"Ruby?" Yang asks seemingly in a daze.

"Sister i haven't seen you for 4 days." Ruby says worried.

"Its been that long?" Yang asks struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Okay, Jarvis?" Ruby asks

"Yes, Ruby?" Jarvis asks their voice seeming diffrent.

"Have we been able to disable that signal the ship was sending?" Ruby asks into her scroll.

"We have successfully blocked it but the information that was sent out could not be stopped. If we attempted to jam it we might have drawn more attention to our planet." Jarvis replies.

"Just get defenses ready I've got a feeling." Ruby says

"Of course, I shall tell the Congress as well." Jarvis says

Ruby nods

"Do we have any clue as to what it is?" Ruby asks

"Im still working on decoding most of the information as we speak." Jarvis replies.

Ruby just looks at the skyscrapers of Tokyo in the distance.

"Though a name came up a lot, the ship seems to be called a BT-7, though comparing it to names I can find in my data all that comes up is a old Soviet tank." Jarvis replies

"Just keep doing your good work please. Thank you Jarvis." Ruby's says

"Of course." Jarvis replies much livelier than the AI was several years ago.

Ruby puts her scroll away as the call cuts.

"So Yang is exhausted, Kyra is out of reach, Harriet and Luna are who knows where, Lily is in the UK dealing with the British men of letters and hellsing, and Hana is still in Weiss's experimental time chamber playing that game. Weiss, Blake, and Osaka it is." Ruby says

"Actually Kushina… nah she's happy watching her grandkids." Ruby mutters knowing they've grown distant.


"Hmm, Orochi is certainly interesting." Kyra says looking at the ship.

"I'm defiantly lost meow." Akashi says walking by

Akashi walks up to the railing.

"I have a feline this is the project Orochi ship. It looks just like a siren ship. Is it really okay to build this." Akashi asks

"Akagi? What are mew doing here?" Akashi asks looking down.

Suddenly the ground shakes a little as the massive siren ship lights up.

"There is so much energy gathered we are nearly ready to launch project Orochi. At this rate I say perhaps one more then we can really have some fun." A siren observer says

'Ah I forgot about this weird part.' Kyra thinks looking away not wanting to see the tentacles do that weird thing.

"I should be going nyow. I saw something clawful something appalling." Akashi says

"You there!" Kaga shouts alerting Akagi and the siren to the observer.

"What are you doing?… you saw." Kaga says

"Nya what do you mean I just got a little lost it's purrty dark in here." Akashi says as the octopus tentacles of the observer pick her up.

"Oh dear she did see me" the observer says pointing it's cannon at the cat girl

"Well as they say curiosity killed the cat." The observer says when suddenly the xylophone ringtone starts to echo through the cave.

"Shit shit shit." Kyra says trying to mute the scroll.

"Ah Kyra! I've been trying to get hold of you for a while. Madam Ruby found something you must see." Jarvis's voice says over the phone loudly for everyone to hear.

"Now is not the best time Jarvis." Kyra says seeing Kaga and Akagi looking at her dumbfounded while the siren is looking somewhat scared.

"Professor Yume?" The observer says it's voice cracking.

Kyra suddenly has a massive influx of memories.

With the distraction Kyra caused Edinburgh and Sheffield steal the cube and grab Akashi before running away.

"After them!" Akagi yells panicking that the Cube has been taken while the Observer and Kyra have a stare down.

"I guess I was rather careless when making you. This is not what I meant by help humanity evolve." Kyra says her guns training on the Observer.

"You should be dead professor and you weren't born in this time line." The Observer says

"You were seriously messing with time. That's probably why I was dragged here." Kyra says firing a shot from the ships cannons.

The cave shakes violently as it begins to collapse.

"You can't stop progress Yume!" The Observer shouts.

Kyra meanwhile is escaping using her drone in the air to track Edinburgh and Sheffield.

"Right Jarvis what is going on? Why does your voice sound feminine?" Kyra asks as an alarm blares in the background and several ships approach her.

"Ruby found a space ship." Jarvis says

"A space ship? And we didn't make it?" Kyra asks as she does a spin to see the several ships behind her chasing her.

"Yes I'm working on translating it's logs. It's called a BT-7" Jarvis says

"Like the tank? Well if it's from a space faring people and we have been picking up signals out there for a while." Kyra says ducking as a katana flys through where her neck was.

"I think it's best we activate infinity protocol." Kyra says

Looking around as seeing she's out numbered kyra salutes them before shooting the water causing a massive splash.

Once it all falls down Kyra is no longer behind it and no longer in sight.