Ch 403: Naboo?

Back at Niwaki.

"Say Yang?" Blake asks having caught up to the bumblebee.

"Yeah?" Yang asks confused.

"It's been a bit since you've joined us all in bed. Are you okay?" Blake asks

Yang starts to scratch the black cats ear.

"I'm doing just fine, I just wanna have my stuff done so that way when…" *thud* Yang and Blake both fall to the ground.

While Yang was petting the Faunus she was leaning and putting her full body weight into Yangs outstretched arm.

"Uhh, sorry…" Blake says blushing.

"You fell for me?" Yang asks trying hard not to laugh herself.

"D-don't say it like that!" Blake says blushing more.

The gang hasn't teased each other like that since the first kid was born. They had romantic moments sure, however the interest in actively pursuing one another was getting old.

"Kyra's gonna laugh a lot when she hears this." Yang says

"Please don't she might start calling us bumble bee again." Blake says horrified.

"I like our nick name." Yang says with a smile helping Blake up.


Meanwhile on the planet of Naboo.

"Captain! How exactly do we justify the need for a fleet this large to the senate?" Padme asks

"To counter the plague of slavers?" Lapis comments

"What!?" Padme shouts

"What!?" Captian Panama shouts

"Yeah, I mean you've had maybe 15 craft enter thr atmosphere recently and none of them landed at the space ports. The times of them coming and going also matches pretty closely to missing person reports." Lapis says

"Could you help us save them Lapis?" Padme asks with hope in her eyes.

"Sure… I'll be right back." Lapis says

With a pop the Demi-god is gone.

"Where did she go?" Pakana asks

"I've got no clue." Padme says


Meanwhile up in space.

"Oh, I don't recognize the ship model… oh well can't be to different to flying a broom or the simulator momma Kyra let me into."

Lapis says as she hits a wall.

A metallic ding rings out as 2 people come rushing into the room.

Lapis grabs one and immediately begins to read his mind as the other one is stunned still.

"Hmm, Padme is gonna be happy with me. I might need to contact home though. We do have a defensive pack with the Naboo and the slavers just poked the sleeping bear." Lapis says


Back on Naboo the 14 year old queen watches as a YT-1000 light freighter comes in from space rather fast as it's glowing red on reentry.

"Did lapis steal a slavers space ship?" Padme asks

"The council will want to hear about this." Pakana says

"Let's wait a bit and see what information we can get from the slavers. We might require Remnants assistance." Padme says


Back in new new new world. (Overlords story world)

"Ainz!" Kyra shouts making herself known

"When did you get there?" Ainz asks

"Don't know got lost." Kyra replies

"Ho-" Ainz begins as the demoness cuts him off.

"Don't ask, she'll spin it as some great journey to steal the heavenly peaches." Hana says cutting wins off.

Suddenly a portal opens and Shalltear steps through.

"My my, am I first?" Shalltear says

"No, and if you ain't first your last." Kyra says

"Who asked you ya monkey!" Shalltear shouts

"Washboard?" Kyra asks

"What! I am not flat!" Shalltear shouts

"Kyra please don't argue with her." Hana says

Within 5 minutes the rest of the guardians arrive.

"Who's that one?" Kyra asks

"Oh, that's the one I made." Hana says

"What's her name?" Kyra asks looking at the new guardian.

"Actually why is she human… wait is that sword Excalibur?" Kyra asks

"Yep, you are looking at the guardian of the throne room. Artoria Pendragon, although she may seem weak her world item allows her to slay armies in a single blow." Hana says

"Wait… is that the thing you wanted me to code into the game for you a while back?" Kyra asks

"Yep!" Hana says smiling