The end, the beginning of the story of the Cursed land

I would like to say hello to those who are reading this. Well it is a letter to my mother and father but if you are having this letter that means it should be passed by you to them. Pardon the way things are. Please tell about this letter to everyone. In return, I would tell you the story of my life and the journey to this parallel world.

Ok, please don't expect me giving you a story of flowers, colors, winds, stars. It is a story of loss, tears, hurts, betrays, power, hardships, rules, differences. It is the story of the land of Magic, Ethiopia and the writer of the letter is the ruler of the kingdom, the goddess of life, la reine de la deesse, Miya. Now I know you might be thinking what she is talking about, it doesn't make any sense or that she is just making up something who lies so much or OMG!! She is someone scary!! To be honest with I can be all of these if you think but can be none if you think so, make your mind up if you want to take this letter and help me to send it to my parents or not.

So, it is a yes. if it was a no, the letter would have disappeared in the thin air. I am glad that you choose to help me. So, just as I promise, here is my story.

I was no different than a person like every other high school girl. My grades were average, so was my lifestyle and mother and father. Even though you couldn't differentiate me with anything, I still was special in one way. My family had a big symbolic plate which my grandpa told me a story of in my childhood. In that story, there was a dragon ruling over a world far away from our own and that he was a friend of his. I lost my grandpa soon after and brought up thinking that it can't be his friend or he would save him from asthma and with the science, the existence of those were impossible. I got sure that it can't be out there. In my 16th birthday, again I didn't celebrate because my grandpa's death anniversary is the day before my birthday. I was alone in my room thinking about my grandpa. Suddenly, I heard a voice with the bell ringing. I followed the sound and ended up in front of the beautiful plate that was hanging from the wall of my grandpa's room. I touched it without thinking. And what was in front of me then wasn't a beautiful art work but a fierce living creature looking at me as if I am someone precious to him. He looked me in the eye and I couldn't look away. He was so familiar to me for some reason. If I had looked away, you wouldn't have to read the letter, your life wouldn't look so confusing, I wouldn't had to come here, wouldn't had to learn all these, my parents wouldn't have to be skeptical about me, I wouldn't be sitting on the throne. And….. yes, I wouldn't have to go through all the chaos and wouldn't sacrifice multiple lives.