Blooming of the new friendship

The planning looked too big and time consuming. So, I asked Fien how long I was going to be staying there. He replied that I wouldn't be able go back anymore. My mind got blank. "WHAT!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!", I shouted. On which, he replied that the chance was given to me to choose this world or the human world. He also said that if I would have to fight against the source of this curse and wouldn't be able to win, I mightn't be able to survive and if I would be able to win over it, then I had to sit on the throne to take the responsibly of this world. I was dumfounded and couldn't even talk. Fien is about my age but he told with a mature voice that it was one of my life's goal. And I couldn't say anything anymore. So, we went to the room where the Fire Magic stone was kept. Fien picked the stone up and it was glowing. I try to touch it but Fien pulled my hand away. He said that it might get hurt me. I pulled back quickly.

Afterwards, we got ready and there was our luggage good to go with us in our journey. I didn't have the time to pack at all so they gave me a bunch of their clothes. They were all beautiful. Fien talked for the last time with his ministers.

We finally headed out to the north to Kenain, to the forest of Ramaina. It is a forest with a lot of trees and various kind of animals those I didn't know from my world. It wasn't scary for me at all, more like exciting. We were at the border of the fire and water kingdom. There is this huge cave at the bottom of a mountain. We were about to put together the tent. Then, all of a sudden, Fien went silent. Well he is pretty good guy with a lot of fire in his eyes to serve his kingdom accordingly.

I asked him what the matter was. Well he claimed to sleep outside as it would seem bad to sleep along side with a girl. I am pretty open-minded person so, I refused. Still he was pretty skeptical about it.

Next morning, we started my magic training. The first thing he said to me that I should put together all of my anger to feel the heat on the palm and the face. Well, I am a pretty cool person so, thinking about the anger and making myself angry was the hardest job. We took the day to put my thought together. At the evening, he went out to bring some food for the dinner. I noticed through out the day; he was quite which is a little bit odd because his helpers said that he was a very talkative, very charismatic, sometimes short-tempered person. So, I decided that I would talk to him. He came back. I made the dinner even though he insisted to leave it to him. When we were eating, I asked him if there was a problem with me that was bothering him. He hesitated first but after little bit of push, he finally opened up. As foe him, he never lived with a female, not even his mother. I asked for the reason and he replied that his parents left him in a very young age and he sat on the throne at young age. His parents were killed by the same curse so, he convinced himself to help the person who can stop the curse take anymore lives. Even though, it was sad, I still smile as for him trying to be more mature than he actually was.

Ok, just for not making the things boring, I am going to end the letter for now. it's good to have a little suspense, right? I would like you to listen to the alternative side too. So, I would to tell my story so far from Fien side too. Wait for the next letter.