The marking of the future

At the day after we sat out to our journey, we started our training. Fire is the symbol of passion, lust, anger, speed and life. As I said, magic gets power from developing different feelings. So, I told her to focus on these feeling. She trained up to evening and then I went out to bring something to eat. In my way, I found a lilper. M'lady said that it looks like something called "rain deer" but in a much much bigger size. It is considered as a good tasty food here but that day, I could feel the power in me. Maybe it was because I was having second thoughts if I would be able to pull all this or not. I couldn't protect my family, yet I was chosen as a king. I couldn't put my feelings out, I thought otherwise I would look weak. I caged my fears and thought it could never come out but it did. Before meeting her, I used to think I would be like this, act like that, be bold, be a proud, would protect her if she feels scared and all that. But, after meeting her, seeing how she is, my armour that I put on to protect my feelings and that none could see how vulnerable I actually was, was felt to be vanished. For having all these mixed feelings, I couldn't concentrate and the lilper escaped. I really felt ashamed. I went back with some fruits in hand. There she already sat everything up. She didn't look disappointed for not having a tasty meal at all. Then, she asked me that I was hoping never to be asked. I felt as if she could read me like an open book. After some moments, after convincing myself enough that I would going to tell her the truth and that it didn't matter if she looks down on me, I told her everything about my past. On my surprise, she was crying. She hugged me and cried. I couldn't realize when the tears started to run down from eyes too. She said, "I am sorry. I am sorry." And kept on crying. Well, I felt why she said that. Even though I had to work with everyone, as a king, I could really trust anyone. Who knows, when someone just back stab you. But she got my trust from then on. The tension between us faded and we became good friends.

We trained for about 5 weeks there. M'lady and I trained quite a lot. She could use magic pretty well in comparison to those like us who were learning it from childhood. Another thing that should be clarified here is that in our world not everyone knows magic and only we, the lords can transform into dragons. We had to learn it ourselves as nobody other than the kings know this. They say that the power stone help the chosen successor to transform into one. Even she was doing fine, she was still too far from obtaining the stone. One day, in between our training, we took a day off and decided to visit the nearest city, Chorem. It is a smaller city than Kevain. Everyone knows me there; I am not like the ice king that is for sure. We actually went there to buy some food. Who likes forest fruit and the boiled or baked every day, right? We went to a shop that was known to me very well. Actually, Chorem is the city I was born in. Well I had to say, the lady at the shop mistook m'lady as my would-be wife or something…. I don't know because the lady was telling her how to became a proud wife and serve her husband …. Bahahaha…. Well, well m'lady didn't get it otherwise it would be awkward the next day. She was clueless about all that. We left the shop and talking to each other and we heard a bunch of people screaming. It became a huge chaos. Everybody was running here and there. We followed the scream and when we got there, I was shocked by a familiar view. There were the people who were affected by the curse and it was clear as their eyes were turned into violet and they were killing their own family member. I jumped in front of them and stopped them as much as I could. M'lady was fighting alongside of me. Even so, a boy whom his mother was holding back so far from stepping between me and his affected dad, broke free and stopped me. But how the boy could know that his father was no more in himself. The dad didn't hesitate to use his magic on his own boy. It was same scene from my childhood. My father did the same to me and in order to save me my mother came between us. After that, the previous fire dragon saved me but my mom was gone by then. And my father could bring back from the darkness. He was burned to death too. Seeing the same thing, I froze. I managed to hold the mother who was going to do the same. She was screaming, crying. Everyone was crying. And I would try my best to explain what happened next. M'lady ran to the boy and grabbed him by the waist, hugged him and the flames that supposed to burn her with the boy, put out. The boy was crying out of fear. It is natural, right? But m'lady had something asserted about her. There was some kind of linings across the left side of her face and her left hand and the left eye of her became bright yellow when her another eye was perfectly fine, dark black like the night sky. And both of them were surrounded by a red aura. She said something that I couldn't understood. I saw then that her linings turned blue to purple as if she was taking the power as well as the curse from the affected people. At the next moment, everyone affected passed out and so did m'lady. I was scared that m'lady got hurt. After five hours or so, the affected people came to sense but m'lady's didn't. I was blaming myself. The citizens were either silent or asking who m'lady was. After 7 hours, an old lady came to me. She told me and everyone something that shouldn't be revealed.