Uncertainties Ch 6

I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of uncertainty about different things, but I am not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we're here. I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell.

By, Richard P. Feynman


Another day, another celebration passed. But today wasn't just any day. Today Azula turned fourteen, giving her chance to take part in the more important activities in the Royal Palace: participate in father's meetings, plan battles, lead battles, command a war-fleet, and so forth.

'Yet she still had a certain boy, stuck in her mind. Six months and still Zhan hasn't visited her, she had received his letter every two weeks, but they were mostly just day-to-day personal stuff: what he did, where he went, who got injured and so on.'

'To her surprise, when the first letters started to come, it would've seemed Zhan, wasn't placed on the front-lines, it seems he had made himself worthwhile, by being a saboteur. Devastating the Earth Kingdom barracks, bridges, supplies, and other things. Selected to be part of a group of engineers at first, Zhan decided to make a more efficient way to use their construction and demolition-skill of this group of engineers, the former engineering squad recognizes, as the [Scorchers] now a deadly enemy that the Earth Kingdom fears.'

'His latest letter tells Azula was the most pleasant, explaining how he set up an ambush along in a significant supply route. Aforementioned causing the ground under the Earth supply caravan, to collapse on itself giving away on the earth-bender, Oh, the irony.'

'Since then, the Northern front had started to make steady progress into Earth Kingdom territory, prompting the Earth King to devote more troops to the North, from the Western and Southern front, essentially weakening the entire fronts. She had even wondered if the troops would reach Ba Sing Se before she could get out there, not likely, but a girl can dream.'

'Unfortunately, her celebration was the same as last year's, minus a certain idiot.'

'Great...now I'm getting jealous as well...curse these emotions,' thought Azula, arriving back in her Royal Chambers.

"Oh...how can people Stay! in these things," said Azula to herself, removing the extravagant Royal robe from her, changing into her regular outfit.

"Hi, there beautiful," said a voice from her balcony.

Azula reacted on instinct, sending a fire blast towards there, sending someone with golden hair over the balcony.

'WAIT! GOLD?! OH NO!' Azula realized, who she had just attacked. Immediately running to the balcony, and peering over the side.

"Sorry...but you missed, me Azula," said Zhan hanging from the balcony, smirking to Azula, "you idiot! I could've burned you!" she yelled, at him, for his stupid entrance idea.

"Hardly," he replied, chuckling, "I trained you for your knowledge. So I'd know your moves. And blue fire is easy to spot."

"Idiot," she replied, shaking her head. "What are you doing here?"

"What? Think I'll miss out on the Crown Princess' celebration?" he asked, climbing up.

Azula merely rolled her eyes, returning inside.

"Here, you are Princess," said Zhan smiling, offering her the gift. 'It looked similar to the one she got last year, weight as much, opening it she found a similar claw-gauntlet, down to the last detail, a twin to her other one.'

"How did you make this?" she asked.

'He is supposed to be in a battle for six months, how did he have time to make this.'

"I made it during the breaks I had," he replied.

"Where did you get the materials?" she asked, some of the parts constructed out of metal, yet it had gold linings and a ruby in the center.

"Donations by none other than the Earth Kingdom: caravans, villages...and the occasional robbing a noble," he said, which Azula couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image. "Also...something else."

"What?" she asked.

"Close your eyes...relax...and don't banish me," he said.

"What are you up to?" she asked, puzzled.

"Nothing," he replied, scratching his head.

"Fine," she said, closing her eyes and trying to relax.

'What's he planning? Another gift, idea, plan, tr-'

'Azula's thoughts were soon scattered to the wind, as she felt something on her lips.' Her eyes shot open, and she saw Zhan...kissing her on the lips

"So?" he asked, stopping suddenly to her dismay.

Azula reacted by grabbing his tunic, crashing her lips on his, 'no way was she be left unsatisfied.'

She use more force as she kisses Zhan, but it felt less than before until he had wrapped his hands around Azula's waist, pulling her closer.

He was playing with his tongue in her mouth, which felt good, which she returned to, both fighting each other for dominance, Azula wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, Zhan in-turn used his hand to loosen her hair, keeping one hand on her waist. Her long coal-black hair, flowing out, to which he grabbed her head and pulled Azula closer, playing with her hair.

'She could feel him against her, rising and falling in-rhythm, his body against hers. It was the most magnificent thing she had felt in her life more pride than what her father would give, warmer than what she felt with her mother more exhilarating than the firebending she felt.'

'Azula also felt, getting dizzy and weak in the knees, this was overwhelming to her. As if feeling her body stutter,' Zhan inhaled from his nose and exhaled into her causing her inner fire to burn more brightly than ever and causing her knees to give. He caught her legs lifting and holding her up by her legs and back, not breaking their kiss for a second. 'She wished this would last forever alas she knew it couldn't.'

"So? How about now?" Zhan asked, holding her up, ending their kiss

"I'd say that was the greatest thing in the world," Azula replied, smiling in-kind, her arms around his neck.

"That was something."

"A great gift then," he said.

"More like: I'm sorry I don't visit many apologies," she replied, pulling herself closer to him.

"Alright then," he replied, smiling at her pulling her more closer so that they were only inches apart. "Happy celebrations Azula."
