Plans and Flying Ch 20


A celebration the is full of dancing and treats while on, the side we had to wake-up Ty Lee from her fainting episode. After confronting several other nobles at, the festival that was a success.

"We can easily deal with the Invasion. Their little planned attack at our Nation was doomed to fail, the moment they revealed their plans," spoke Azula, in the gathered War Room. Several high-ranking generals and admirals gathered too, the Firelord' military advisor. Along with her fianceé. "We lure them in, tugging gently - until they reach they're sought after prize, and then...BOOM! We annihilate them!"

"Your plan authorizes us to let these...rebels...set foot in our homeland?!" asked General Lee.

"I understand your concerns General, yet this way we can eliminate all of them at once," said Azula, knocking away the pieces symbolizing the Invasion force. "And make sure these savages, never touch our land again!"

"And what of the Avatar?" asked General Shinu, earning him a metal-on-metal cracking from Zhan and a twitchy eye from Azula. The Avatar had been confirmed alive, by a Fire Nation guard post and that they were deep in Fire Nation territory.

"The Avatar might bring some hindrance to the plans, yet it's best we keep-up the status of ignorance," said Zhan, supporting Azula. "Since they know the Avatar is dead to us. We keep enforcing the watch-over in the towns, for any parentless kids. They don't know our fauna or flora, and they'll be hiding from us as well. We keep the pressure on them, so they don't suspect a thing until after the Day of Black Sun. Against our new weapons, they won't stand a chance!"

That last statement earned them applause pleasing both the advisors and the Fire Lord, something even Azula had difficulty, achieving but this suited her just fine. The announcement Zhan earned-praise from both the advisors and the Fire Lord after the speech.

"Now that has been concluded, our other agenda..." said Ozai, as Azula took her seat next to him. While, Zhan was standing beside Azula a very untraditional move by Azula, demanding that he could partake in the Fire Lord meeting. Although somewhat against it, Ozai had finally agreed but only on the terms that Zhan was her advisor and nothing more in the War Room: "Speak only when asked or spoken to." said Ozai toward Zhan, "now General Shinu, tell us your report."

"Thank you, sir," replied General Shinu, as he started to explain about the rebellions. "Ba Sing Se is still under our control. However, earthbender rebellions have prevented us from achieving total victory in the Earth Kingdom."

"What is your recommendation?" asked Ozai.

"Our army is spread too thin, but once the eclipse is over and the invasion defeated, we should transfer more domestic forces into the Earth Kingdom," said General Shinu.

"Hmm. Lord Zhan, you have fought against earthbenders close-up, what is your opinion?" asked Ozai.

"My advice?" asked Zhan, his thinking face hidden behind the skull-mask.

"The earthbenders are a resilient bunch their entire Kingdom is their battlefield their land is their protection. As long as they have solid rock under them, they won't give up a bunch of hopeful people, who don't know the meaning of surrender."

"Yes, you're right, we need to destroy their hope," said Ozai, thinking about the statement.

"I think you should take their precious hope and the rest of their land and burn it all to the ground!" said Azula, surprising some with her suddenness.

"Yes...Yes, you're right, Azula," said Ozai, liking Azula's idea. "Sozin's Comet is almost upon us, and on that day, it will endow us with the strength and power of a hundred suns. No bender will stand a chance against us."

"What are you suggesting, sir?" asked General Shinu.

"When the comet last came, my grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, used it to wipe out the Air Nomads," expressed Ozai, walking toward the large folded-out-map, smiling the entire way the ultimate plan thought-out.

"Now, I will use its power to end the Earth Kingdom...permanently, from our airships we will rain fire over their lands a fire that will destroy everything, and out of the ashes a new world will be born a world in which all the lands, are Fire Nation and I am the supreme ruler of everything!"

That statement had gotten the entire War Room to erupt in applause, generals, and admirals alike.

"What do you think?" asked Azula from Zhan, over the applause.

"Extreme effective, very demoralizing, this event will in a sense burn away everything the Earth Kingdom has..." replied Zhan, his emotions hidden behind the mask, "...breaking any rebellious thought in half, leaving the entire Earth ashes."


After the meeting, had concluded Zhan had Azula to a more secluded area in the Fire Nation a few lengths away from the Capital.

"Where are we going?" asked Azula, having no idea where they were heading, only that he had dragged her into a carriage, and told the rider to go...somewhere.

"It's a place..." replied Zhan, having removed his elite black armor, for his usual leather attire.

There wasn't anything, found over on the western part of the island it was off-limits to regular people there were factories, secret shipyards, and other military facilities. So Azula knew that it had to do, with some more extended invention of Zhan or a new airship.

"We're here!" said Zhan, removing the curtain, as light consumes the room an astounding sight of what she sees.

What caught Azula's eye made her speechless at least a dozen new, very peculiar, and large contraptions the new airships, that were sitting in a row on the plain-field, in front of a concrete platform. All of them looked like massive war-machines that could strike fear into an enemy while holding a genuine beauty to Azula.

"Don't blink, or you'll miss out the other eye-candy," he replied, turning Azula's head a little left the other thing, that even made her gasp.

Three dozen, crimson-colored metal made constructs, that looked like birds with the Fire Nation emblem on their sides - the Firebirds.

" finished it!" exclaimed Azula, seeing the gathered flying machines and array of soldiers, exercising around them.

"Indeed, once I had returned, everything was finished, re-checked, and produced, currently about thirty-seven Firebirds and twelve airships constructed with another four more almost completed," he replied, stepping out of the carriage.

"I count only thirty-six Firebirds," said Azula, having mentally-calculated every ship. "Where is the last one?"

"Over there!" he gestured, at the end of the paved road, stood a single Firebird more colorful than the others, as it belonged to the Royal Family.

"Is that?" asked, Azula speechless.

"That's the first...the first thing we flew in remade and...reintroduced," he said, leading them to the end of the road. There stood the first FieryChicken, as carefully crafted and built as his first gift to Azula. A crimson-black color, with a golden half-dragon image, painted on either side, the dragon on the wings matching over the flyer wing, the image meeting in the middle of the nose.

"It's magnificent!" said Azula, examining each part of the FieryChicken.

"Shall we try it out?" he asked, sliding open the glass panel.

"Is it safe?" replied Azula. "Last time we tried that, the engine blew out."

"Last time - I didn't have Royal funding, nor an excellent tester," he said, climbing inside and extending his hand out.

"Oh fine!" she exclaimed, getting hoisted up and crouched inside, the dull gray metal feeling was gone, along with that it had more space...and more comfortable seating.

"Strap-in!" said Zhan, closing the glass-panel.

"What?" asked Azula, confused.

"" he repeated, pulling some leather straps from under the seat, that he attached around Azula's waist. "So you don't go flying around here. Start-up!"

"Alright!" replied Azula, firebending into the engine, her signature blue fire lighting up the cabin and started to move.

"More...and hold on!" he said, pulling the lever, as Azula fire-bended. Then suddenly she felt detached, from the ground- they were flying.

"Don't just feel it see it!" he said, removing a couple of side-panels, revealing a glass Azula was overwhelmed by such a breath-taking sight.

"Its..." Azula was overwhelmed toward the sight, vast amounts of the ocean beneath them, and nobody could touch them.

"Hold on, and fire-up! We're going higher!" he said, pulling the plane higher, which prompted Azula to firebend more fire into the engine. They were climbing, higher and higher until they passed the clouds and until they leveled-out. "We got a few minutes, come on!"

"What are you doing?!" asked Azula as he undid her strappings, and pulled her closer to the nose.

"This..." he said, sliding open the glass panel, a wild gust hitting Azula in the face. "Look!"

"What is the mean-" said Azula, as the last words got stuck in her throat.

Over the clouds and on the horizon shined, the sun in all its power Azula.

Azula had never felt this close to the source of firebending.

"A fitting gift to a Princess, no?" he asked, holding Azula. Then he noticed the first wobble. "Sorry. Our fun ends here."

Azula was pulled back indoors by Zhan, as Zhan closed, the glass panel and the FieryChicken started to shake a bit.

"Strap-in and hold on!" he said, pulling a few levers, as the Firebird started to dive back towards the land. They soon touched down at the Fire Nation, Zhan pulling the FieryChicken to a stop.

" was i-" he said, before getting interrupted by Azula' sudden lip-lock, "a warning maybe?"

"Just shut up and kiss me!" replied Azula, going for a deeper kiss.


Omake: No brain juice


[To-do list for the omake]










green beans






peanut butter



soy sauce



BBQ sauce

salad dressing


beans canned

fruit canned

vegetables canned

soup canned

tomato sauce canned

chicken/tuna canned

coffee> no tea
















fruit snacks

snack bars









meals frozen

pizza frozen

fruit/vegetables frozen

ice cream

waffles frozen

lunch meat








breakfast meats




cream cheese


laundry detergent


dryer sheets

dish soap

hand soap> we need lots of this.



light bulbs

toilet papper> we need to buy all of it, not sure for what still better we have it than others.

aluminum foil

"Wait a minute this is not the real draft of the omake, Zhan can you take a look at this," Azula pass the draft to Zhan.

"This looks more like a shopping list and not an omake draft, did someone mix this with the real draft?" Zhan was confused.

"Hey, Toph, you know where I place the grocery list? Ask Sokka.

"There it is!" she pointed with excitement, "oh, that's what it will sound like when one of you spots it," she shakes her hand in front of her face.


While all of this happens, one person is laughing in the background, while probably others are vomiting blood as they read this.
