A Choices Most Be Made Ch 24


As was predicted, the Invasion failed their tanks and forces managed to reach the Capital, yet their success was short-lived, they were lead into a clever-trap, far away from their only means of escape. And when the Eclipse ended, the hammer came down dozens of airships filled the sky, a sight to behold and awe; yet the true shock-factor came from the FieryChicken. The display of seeing dozens of war-machines that attacked like a swarm of buzzard wasps, efficiently sending the attackers scrambling.

Fire came down like rain, pinning the attackers beneath its flame, while the airships easily bombarded their escape-ships into ruin. Culminating with the capture of multiple earthbenders and waterbenders, numerous troops, and their armaments, Avatar and his group barely managing to escape the encirclement, being chased by FieryChicken, until they were all knocked into the sea. Yet Azula had a hunch on where they would go.

The Fire Nation, unfortunately, didn't escape this Invasion unaffected as well. The Dragon of the West, former General Iroh had escaped during the Eclipse, having busted through his cell bars and then vanished. Accompanying the past Crown Prince without being spotted there a few minutes afterward, they saw alone the past prince.

Azula made sure to pinpoint every location in which they may be. If by, some chance that the Avatar wanted to liberate some prisoners, then she would know where. But that would be unlikely, due to the Fire Nations dominance in the sea, land, and now air. The noose was closing in on them, and time would be over as well.

"Azula?!" asked Mai in a hurry. "I got some news about the Avatar?"

"This soon?" replied Azula surprised it, had only been a couple of days since the Invasion and she had planned. While Azulas three friends were accompanying her to keep an eye out for the Avatar and his group.

"No...actually. It's Zuko..." said Mai, back to her gloomy self.

"What about him?" asked Azula.

"He got captured...at the Boiling Rock..." replied Mai. "My uncle is the Warden there. He informed me only, guess he knew about our...relationship..."

"Don't worry about it," said Azula, easing her friend, but going stiff herself. "You know what to do."

"Yeah...I'll get's Ty lee," replied Mai, leaving Azula's quarters.

'So it's finally happening?' thought Azula to herself. Soon finishing up and heading towards Zhan's quarters, down below.

"Zhan...it's time..." she said, arriving at his facility.

"Where?" he asked, finishing up his stuff and equipping his black armor.

"The Boiling Rock...my brother...but it's a start," she said.

"Understood...and also..." he started, looking at her. "...I do have some other plans if this should fail..."

"You plan for everything?" she asked, eyebrow raised.

"Pretty much..." he replied, smiling a bit before his face turned serious again. "Let's go!"


The Boiling Rock the Fire Nation's most secure prison, built to hold all kinds of people are in here: criminals, robbers, murderers, pirates, traitors, and especially war-prisoners. A place prince Zuko would know about and no-doubt, the Avatar's group would try to liberate for war-prisoners, against the Fire Nation.

"Princess..." said the sentry, bowing before Azula and her group. "What is the honor of your visit?"

"Take us to the Warden!" piped in Mai, from behind Azula, who nodded at the request.

"Of-f course. This way," said the sentry, a little nervous, leading them inside.

They descended and ascended a few flights of stairs, going from one position to the other. All seemed strict and clear, no prisoners insight.

"What is with the silence?" asked Azula

"P-pardon Princess, but we had an attempted breakout, so we're in lockdown," replied the guard.

Then, suddenly like karma, all the cell-doors started to open at once.

"Doesn't seem like a lockdown to me..." said Zhan, taking them inside an empty cell and shutting the door. "No, doubt a distraction."

"Their planning to escape...but how?" asked Azula, passing around ideas.

"Maybe the gondola?" said Ty Lee.

"That wouldn't work, the Warden would cut it down," replied Mai.

"Unless...the Warden was aboard it..." realized Zhan, as they soon started to make their way outside.

"Hey! What abou..."

"Stay here. For your safety," replied Zhan to the guard, before following the girls.

Once outside, they could see prisoners fighting themselves and the guards a prison riot.

"Where are they?" asked Azula, looking around.

"Several meters ahead and they got the Warden," said Zhan, pointing at a pair of figures farther away. "Move it!"

It didn't take long for them to reach the gondola landing. The escapees had reached halfway when Azula had heard the Warden yell, "cut the line!" Easily, ending their little escape suspending them above the boiling water.

"No second doubts?" asked Azula, one more time.

"No," said Mai.

"No way!" added Ty Lee.

"Not in a lifetime," finished Zhan, giving Azula a nod.

"Alright..." sighed Azula, taking a look at her brother from afar, he seemed distant and judging, waiting for her verdict. "ATTACK!"

That single word got Zuko tensed-up as soon as he heard it until he saw what Azula was attacking the guards.

"Ty Lee! GO!" yelled Zhan, tossing Ty Lee a bag, that she fastened to her, back and started to run on the wire, towards the gondola.

"Hurry up!" yelled Zhan, disarming a guard. It took a while before the guards realized what was happening and started to counter-attack. "Azula, Mai! Go!"

"You better hurry up!" replied Azula, fire blasting a nearby guard and taking his cuffs, using them to propel herself and Mai towards the gondola safely landing on it.

"Ty Lee? What is going on here?!" asked Zuko confused, as Ty Lee arrived on top of the gondola.

"Just please trust, us Zuko!" spoke Ty Lee her hands, up in defense.

"Trust you freaks? As if!" said Suki, in an offensive stance along with Sokka.

"We just saved you from a boiling death! Least you can do is let us explain ourselves!" Spat out Ty Lee in anger surprising, everyone even herself Azula and Mai soon arriving aboard as well.

"What is the meaning of this Azula?!" asked Zuko, going offensive at the sight of Azula.

"What does it look like, you idiot?" asked Mai.

"Saving your hide, Dum-dum," replied Azula, giving a glance behind her shoulder. 'Come on!'

Zhan was dealing with the guards in hand-to-hand combat mostly. Until reinforcements arrived, then he unleashed his metal claws cutting down the guards with ease and dislodging the metal piece, holding the gondola. Then he made his way towards the wire, starting to climb the horizontal-wire, upside-down.

"Finally!" said Azula, helping Zhan up onto the gondola.

"What are, you planning Azula?" asked Zuko, facing off against Azula.

"At the moment - saving your hide and getting you out of here," replied Azula. "Via my airship."

"What?! Do you think we're stupid?!" replied Zuko.

"Would you prefer being captured and sent to the Firelord?" asked Zhan, addressing their opposing group. "And I doubt you can fly an airship."

"Fine!" replied Zuko, after a few seconds of thinking, through gritted teeth. "But your upfront...and no ideas."

"Zuko, are you crazy?" asked Sokka.

"Well, you wrecked the war-balloon also I doubt you can call Appa, from here, or pilot an airship," said Zuko. He was keeping both sides as peaceful as possible he knows that Azula or Ozai attacked while on another note, Azula helps them escape. Still, this was not enough to deter his judgment, "don't lower your guard also give me those cuffs Azula!"

"Fine..." replied Azula, handing Zuko the cuffs, which he strapped onto Azula's wrists. "So, you don't get the idea."

"Fine by me..." replied Azula, surprising Zuko with her calmness and acceptance.

"You! Weapons!" added Zuko, pointing at Zhan.

"As you wish," replied Zhan, removing his weaponry and tossing them at Zuko, who handed them to Sokka.

"I'm watching you!" said Sokka pocketing, Zhan's gloves the gondola soon arriving at their destination.

"Sorry but I'm not into guys," said Zhan, while trying to cover his body with his arms.

"..." everyone looks at Sokka, "Hey, that's not what I meant," Sokka tries to defend himself.

"Sorry, warden, your record is officially broken," said Hakoda, tossing him back onto the gondola.

"Sorry, uncle!" added Mai, following them.

"Ty Lee! Rope!" said Zhan, soon getting a very long rope from Ty Lee.

"What are you doi..."

"Speeding things up!" replied Zhan to Zuko, making a noise then fastening it to a rock. Then taking Azula onto his back. "Hurry up!"

They were soon surprised by Zhan, who dived over the cliff, with Azula. He carried her on his back into the airship platform.

"I'll go!" replied Suki, as some were having doubts, soon sliding down the rope and moving towards the airship. Hakoda, Ty Lee and Sokka soon-following.

"Mai is this for real?!" asked Zuko, still confused.

"You better believe it!" replied Mai, grabbing Zuko by his shirt. "Azula...wants to help you and the Avatar."

"Seriously?!" asked Zuko, shocked, and surprised.

"Yes!" replied Mai, sliding down with Zuko soon following her.

No sooner was everyone on board, that Zhan started the engines. The group still being on edge for any guards or traps.

"There is nobody aboard this vessel Zuko," spoke a disgruntled Azula, sitting in the cockpit, cuffs still on.

"Yeah, sorry, what would suspect us to search the ship of our enemy for traps?" asked Sokka sarcastically.

"Former..." said Azula, rising.

"Something...that not even I'd believe if I didn't see and hear it," said Zuko, arriving with Mai.

"What?" asked Sokka.

"Uhh..." sighed Zuko, rubbing his face. "Best, that everybody hears this."


"What are you doing in this thing? What happened to the war balloon?" asked Katara, seeing Sokka and Zuko return aboard a weird contraption.

"It kind of got destroyed," replied Zuko, a little distracted.

"Sounds like a crazy fishing trip," added Aang.

"Yeah...about that, try not to freak out," said Sokka, rubbing his head.

"What are you talking about?" asked Katara. Soon someone familiar departed from the airship - her father, which sent her emotions high-up and following him, someone that drove her anger up - Azula and her group. "What is she doing here?!"

"You're not going to believe this...but Azula wants to help us..." said Zuko, surprising Aang, Katara, and Toph.

"You...you are joking, right?" asked Katara, surprised and shocked stiff.

"I am not. I wish to help you take down my father," said Azula calmly, awaiting the outburst to come.

"Well, what ya know, the Fire Princess does have a conscience," said Toph, her arms crossed.

"Are you, serious Toph?!" asked Aang.

"Yup! Princess here is truthful, with a sense of doubt to her," replied Toph.

"Doubt?!" asked Katara, angry as ever. "That's the least of her worry! Have you forgotten what this freak has done: attacked us, hounded us at every turn nearly killing Aang. I'm surprised you didn't kill this heartless person when you saw her. This monster, wh-"

"DO YOU KNOW, WHAT MY LIFE WAS LIKE!" screamed Azula back at Katara, her voice echoing in the cavern, as tears fell down her face, as she almost started to cry, but held it back. Nearly-straining herself to fireblast the water tribe girl, if not for the cuffs.

"Yes! I have done things that I'm not proud of and that actions were ruthless. YES, I AM A MONSTER! Nevertheless, I want to change that! To break away from my father and bring him down, yet what I see you can only if you can only see me as his daughter, an equally ruthless monster who isn't worth anything. FINE! I will stop him myself!" yelled Azula, shocking everyone still with her speech, even her friends. Then she retrieves a scroll from her robes and throwing it at Zuko hitting him in the head. "Here! you should read this it's from, your mother."

Zuko had barely any time to read the message through when Azula started to leave.

"Wait! Azula!" said Zuko, stopping her sister in her tracks, as he arrived behind her. "Are you being serious?

"Yes..." sighed Azula, turning around to face her brother. Looking more like a confused sister, than a ruthless Fire Princess. "For once in my life, on our mother's life...I am truthful."

"Why?" asked Zuko.

"Blame your uncle, his antics, and advice. Or on fate, for bringing me some calmness and care into my life," said Azula, glancing at Zhan.

"...I need to consult this. Stay here," said Zuko, to which Azula sat down on the ground. Then he made his way over to Aang and the group. "What is your opinion on this?"

"You can't be serious on, this Zuko!" replied Katara, "she could be very well lying!"

"She wasn't," said Toph, gaining the attention.

"Are you sure?" asked Aang.

"Yeah. You may be able to lie about some, things but you can't, fake anger and Princess was a whole lot of it," said Toph shrugging. "Guess she is serious about joining us, as crazy as it sounds."

"Are you, thinking straight Toph?!" asked Katara.

"Are you?!" asked Toph, equally angry now. "We just got our butt-kicked by the Fire Nation, we have no idea what they're planning. Now someone shows up who is willing to help, us and you won't even think about it?!"

"That doesn't redeem her!" replied Katara. "Or give her a free pass to join us."

"I'm not saying it is," said Toph.

"Actually...to be honest. If Zuko and I wouldn't have been able to rescue our father if it weren't for...dare I say Azula," said Sokka sighing.

"Yeah, about that. Even after everything Azula has done strangely, I can't help but attempt to reconcile with her," admitted Zuko to the others, holding the scroll of his mother in his hands.

"Are you serious?!" asked Suki.

"Why?!" added Katara.

"She is my sister, and before my mother left us, she wanted me to watch over Azula," said Zuko.

"So what's it to you?!" asked Katara.

"Wouldn't you want it?" asked Zuko in return. "Imagine if it were you and Sokka or in-reverse? Wouldn't you want to help your sibling? To save her from all of this?"

"Okay, okay! I see your point," replied Katara, still a little angry.

"That's not all. Despite what you might think, Azula wasn't always like this evil I mean, until she was four, we had all sorts of fun: playing, sword-fighting, and all. But when she started to firebend it all changed, my father took her and I went to school after I saw her again I'd say Azula had changed in a way, more cynical," spoke Zuko. "And I couldn't keep my mother's promise of protecting her. Because I got banished, and honestly, it has gnawed at me, from time to time."

"Alright. We can spend here all day contemplating this. Let's just vote on this," said Suki. "Toph, you stay out of this."

"Cause I'm blind?" asked, Toph annoyed.

"Because the rest of us, have had more dealings with Azula," replied Suki.

"Whatever!" said Toph.

"Alright. All against?" asked Aang, seeing Suki's and Katara's hand rise-up.

"I just don't trust her! No matter what!" said Katara.

"Same with me," added Suki.

"All in favor?" asked Aang. This time Sokka's and Zuko's hand rise-up.

"Sokka?" asked, Katara surprised.

"Hey, if it were you, I'd feel bad if I failed to keep a promise, and you turned into some evil ice witch," replied Sokka. "Looks like it's up to you, Aang."

"Don't forget, she almost killed you," said Katara.

"But like you also said, that everybody should get a second chance..." added Zuko.

"Okay...give me a second," said Aang, feeling uncomfortable about what was happening.


"What do you think will happen?" asked Azula from Zhan, both sitting on the ground.

"I don't know," said Zhan, trying to ease her worry. "Have...hope."

"Yeah?" asked Azula, less hopeful. "Truthfully, I'd expect them to throw me off this cliff."

"Don't be so cynical," replied Zhan, rubbing her shoulder. Soon enough, Zuko returning with Sokka and Toph.

"Alright, Azula..." sighed Zuko looking at her. "We have concluded you can...help us...for now. But under strict supervision. You'll be placed in a single room, away from the rest of us. Your friends as well Suki will watch Ty Lee, I'll watch over Mai and Sokka is going to watch over him."

"Name is Zhan, prince," replied Zhan to Zuko.

"Whatever. Toph is going to close you in every night. So you won't get the chance to...you know," said Zuko. "These our terms."

"I accept... and promise not to attack, hurt you, your group, or the Avatar," said Azula, in which Toph nodded.

"I got this," said Toph molding her bracelet into a key and unlocking Azula's cuffs. "Come on, Princess!"

"You know, how to hide this, waterboy?" asked Zhan from Sokka, hinting at the airship, while Azula is lead by Toph.

"Yeah, I saw you fly this, I can handle this, and it's Sokka," he pointed at Zhan.

"My name is Sokka, not waterboy," replied Sokka gesturing at Zhan. 'Making an I'm keeping my eye on your gesture.'

"Righto," said Zhan, following Azula and Toph.

"Well, Princess, You'll be staying here, not your royal accommodation, but it'll have to do I suppose," said Toph showing Azula a regular, small room with a tiny window, bed, and cupboard. "Don't try to trick, us alright. It seemed that Sokka and Sparky thought you were worth the effort."

"I won't. Promise," said Azula, looking around the room.

"I can feel that," replied Toph, then felt someone else approach.

"Can I get a second?" asked Zhan, from the other side.

"I'm watching you two!" replied Toph, going outside the room.

"How you feeling?" asked Zhan, hugging Azula.

"Troubled as usual...but I feel like this is right," said Azula.

"Got your back, if you need it," replied Zhan kissing Azula on the lips.

"Ahem..." said a voice from the doorway. A displeased Katara, looking half-mad with her arms crossed.

"See you later," replied Zhan, leaving the room.

"Come to insult me?" asked, Azula sighing.

"Not this time. But we all know what you are or what you claim you were, let us be clear on one thing, Aang trusted you on this, he gave you this chance.

I don't know what you are plotting or if you sincerely want to support, even if Toph thinks and approves or if Zuko aspires to put his trust in you.

Therefore don't you dare, even look at Aang the wrong way! Nor breath also if an accident happens to him!" said Katara, eyeing Azula with icy malice. "Because this time, I won't bother with the thought I'll strike you down, where you stand, without remorse. Understand?"

"Yes..." replied Azula, by her tone and stance, she wouldn't doubt the girl to carry out her verdict.

"Good..." said Katara, leaving the room. "Close it."

No sooner was the door closed, that Azula was left alone to ponder her choice. Lying on the makeshift bed and thinking about her predicament.

'At least it's a start,' thought Azula. 'And they didn't throw me off the cliff.'


Omake: A sister's job is not an easy one


Azula was working on her office until she heard a knock on the door.

*knock, knock.*

"You can enter," she sees her brother Zuko, after some small talk she decided to cut to the chase.

"A present for Mai? She said while supporting her chin with her hand.

"A present or well... something to show appreciation for what she did," Zuko said while closing his eyes in a thinking way.

"What do you mean by gratitude or appreciation? Ask Azula in a neutral tone.

"When I got a cold, she came to my home and nursed me," Zuko, said stroking the back of his head while having a smug smile.

"I think some pastry would be good since they're not troublesome," while crossing his arms.

"Are you an idiot, or did they drop you as a baby? Azula hits the table with the palm of her hand.

"She came to your home and cooked your food! Like what if some noble gave you under the table bribe what would you do then!?" She said in a piss-off tone.

"N... noble? Bribe!? Zuko said in a startled tone.

"...So, her cooking was good?" Azula said while crossing her arms on the table and placing her head on top.

"It was so delicious... also, it seems like she enjoys cooking."


"Then buy her an apron and tell her; please come to my home and cook for me again!" She said to Zuko in a threatening way while pointing at him.

"Why did it come to that!? Said Zuko surprise while madly blushing.

Zuko didn't tell Azula, that Mai and him, sadly almost everyone knows, about them even a stray-dog would have noticed they both have a thing.

We can see both Zuko and Mai blushing both lost in their little world, in the perspective of another person they may see flowers surrounding both of them.

'Are they going to continue this at home?' said Zhan while drinking his coffee.
