Old Masters Ch 34

Note today there will be no omake didn't have the time fixing the chapter took more time then I thought it would, and there may still be some I will just post it tomorrow as a 34.5.


The closer the group was nearing Ba Sing Se, the sensitive the atmosphere around them became, would they win, would they find Iroh, and would Aang get back on time?

Many questions were lingering in the air. Yet their only hope, for now, was to follow their gut and hope for the best.

"It's kind of weird, I know," said Toph breaking the silence, "we'd usually have Aang, along with us this will be the first time we're going without him."

"It's a sobering thought," replied Suki, it was true they were going in blind plus were low on time.

"Over there!" said Katara, pointing at the decimated part of the wall. The group soon took-off Appa, to survey the area.

"Is this a bad sight...and a bad memory," said Azula, eyeing the wall and the land beyond it, this was a painful scene, along the hundreds of other messed up stuff she had done in her life.

"Hey, people make mistakes," replied Toph.

"Anyone made them as much as me?" she asked.

"Relax, alright."

"It's been a long day. Let's camp and start our search again at dawn," said Zuko, as he eyed the daylight they had left and the task ahead of them.

They set up, mostly only sleeping bags, due to the fact they might have to move quickly since this was Fire Nation territory currently occupied.

"You don't mind sharing?" asked Azula to Zhan, who was still watching into the distance.

"What? Oh...not at all," he replied, coming down from the rock pile.

"It's sad you know a few months ago, I'd sent assassins or armies after them, now I'm trying to help everybody survive them," said Azula, as she lay down a rough undercover and took out a large blanket.

"Hey! Stop beating yourself up you can't blame yourself for everything," he replied, as Azula lay down next to him.

"Didn't I cause this? Didn't I chase them halfway around the world?" asked Azula, still troubled.

"So did Zuko, for years even, you, only for a couple of months," he replied.

"Zuko was exile, or in return he chose exile. Me, I had the option of staying, at home, or go hunting," she replied.

"Listen...sweety," he said, lifting her saddened face. "We make mistakes, this is called being alive. Those, mistakes can be our scars our secrets or our wisdom to be better."

"Okay..." sighed Azula, a slight smile on her face. "Wise-boy."

"That's the girl I know, now keep smiling and stop moping around," he replied, kissing her.

"Oh, goodness' sake! Stop with the mushy stuff you're going to make me barf soon," piped in Toph.

"Sorry," whispered both by both Zhan and Azula. While they share a grin on there face, before going to sleep.

However, their group would only get a few hours of sleep before they got a rude awakening.

Zhan was the first open to his eyes, call it good luck or otherwise, and he immediately recognized the tell-tale signs of encirclement by letting his eyes roam around along with the fact of people moving around.

"Azula..." he whispered, holding her nose and mouth, causing her a sudden, yet silent wake-up. "Quiet...soldiers."

Azula took a few looks around, without moving her body, and she saw the movement too.

"I'll cover...you attack..." he said, counting to three on his fingers, then the blanket came up. "ATTACK!"

However, their attack was cut short by a wall of fire, encircling their campsite, yet they managed to wake up the rest.

"What's happening?!" yelled Katara as she got up quickly.

"Ready up!" said Azula, ready to attack.

"Well, look who's here."


"What's going on?" Katara asks.

"We're surrounded by old men," as she pointed out the obvious, while Azula could laugh at the thought of being ambushed by a group of old men.

"Not just any old people. These are great masters and friends of ours," spoke Katara, approaching one elder. "Pakku."

"It is respectful to bow to an old master, but how about a hug for your new grandfather?"

"That's so exciting! You and Gran-Gran must be so happy to have found each other again!" said, Katara excited, hugging her old waterbending teacher.

"I made her a new betrothal necklace and everything."

"Welcome to the family, Gramp-Gramp!" added Sokka, hugging the old man as well.

"You can still just call me Pakku."

"How about Grand-Pakku?" asked Sokka giddily.


"And this was Aang's first firebending teacher," spoke Katara introducing Azula and Zuko to a familiar man Azula knew.

"Jeong Jeong."

"Master Piandao," said Sokka, bowing to his old master.

"Hello, Sokka."

"Master Piandao?" asked Zhan, stepping forward as well. Bowing in front of him too. "Nice to see you again, Master."

"Well. I never expected to see one of my best pupils here," replied Piandao in kind.

"Wait! You've trained with him?!" asked, Sokka shocked.

"I didn't learn everything myself," replied Zhan.

"So wait. How do you all know each other?" asked Suki.

"All old people know each other. Don't you know that?" said the Omashu King.

"We're all part of the same ancient secret society. A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations" spoke Piandao.

"The Order of the White Lotus," said Zuko.

"That's the one."

"The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and beauty and truth. But about a month ago, a call went out that we were, needed for something important," explained Jeong Jeong.

"It came from a Grand Lotus: your uncle, Iroh of the Fire Nation," added Pakku.

"Well, that's who we're looking for," said Toph at the mention of Iroh's name.

"Then we'll take you to him," said Piandao.

"Wait! Someone's missing from your group, someone very important. Where's Momo?" asked Bumi, getting into Sokka's face.

"He's gone. And so is Aang," replied Sokka.

"Oh well, so long those two are with each other, I'm sure we have nothing to worry about, let's go!" He added, taking off via an earth pillar into the air; making, the group question his sanity a little.


Azula was surprised at the number of people, even from the Fire Nation, to be part of this group called the White Lotus. They were at least a dozen high-ranking people from her lands, some of them she even knew. They were exchanging stories the way to their camp, even the King of Omashu, one she considered a feeble, old-man seemed to be a master earthbender, albeit a crazy one at that.

"Well, here we are. Welcome to Old People Camp."

"I feel so out of place here," said Azula, looking around. "Most are here because of me."

"I'm also here because of you," replied a voice from behind her.

"Uncle!" Azula turned around to see his uncle and Zuko hugging each other.

"Hello nephew, you too, my niece!" said Iroh hugging Zuko then hugging the shy Azula as well.

"Yeah. Okay, nice to see you to uncle," replied Azula, being let down.

"It would seem to me that you have changed. Both of you," said Iroh, looking at Azula and Zuko.

"Yeah, we have," replied Azula. "We came to find you..."

"Let's talk over dinner. Because I'm starving," said Iroh, as everybody gathered in a circle in the middle of the camp.

"Uncle, you're the only person other than the Avatar who can hope to defeat the Firelord," spoke Zuko, as everybody ate, although it appeared Iroh wasn't pleased with the request. "We need you to come with us!"

"No, Zuko, it won't turn out well."

"You can beat him! And we'll be there to help," said Zuko.

"Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know that I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. History would see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power," spoke Iroh bitterly. "The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the Avatar to defeat the Firelord."

"We don't know if that's a possibility," said Ty Lee. "He kinda went away, and we don't know if he'll be back in time. Azula, what about you? You're strong and powerful?"

"Nono! Don't ask me to do that," replied, Azula scared. "Ask me something else, anything, yet that's the one thing I wouldn't do! I can't face my father."

"But you and Zhan did some pretty nasty white firebending. You could win!" added Katara.

"No," said Iroh patting Azula's back to calm her down. "As much as Azula can do, she isn't that strong, and I wouldn't ask her to face Ozai either. I know what my brother is capable of, only the Avatar is one who can defeat him."

"And then...then you would come and take your rightful place on the throne?" asked Zuko.

"No. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko," replied Iroh.

"Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes," said Zuko. "Why, not Azula.

"No, Zuko," replied Azula, surprising the group. "I'd just seen as an extension of my father and all. I once thought being Fire Lord would bring me respect, loyalty, and power lately, I have learned, that those things are, earned."

"Yes, Zuko, you have made mistakes. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your path," spoke Iroh. "You restored your honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation."

"I'll try, Uncle," replied Zuko.

"Don't be so doubtful, I'll help you brother," said Azula, poking Zuko.

"I thought yo-"

"I said I didn't want to be Fire-Lord who said I didn't want to help you. Somebody has to keep your idealism in check," said Azula

"Well, what if Aang doesn't come back?" asked Toph.

"Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord," spoke Iroh. "When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom can free again."

"That's why you gathered the members of the White Lotus," realized Suki.

"Yes, but our troubles aren't over yet," said Iroh.

"The Fleets," said Zhan, angry at the event that was about to happen.

"Indeed, my brother fears what has happened. Both of his heirs have abandoned, him and he won't take any chances. He hopes to wipe out both the water and earthbenders in one blow. He most not succeeds."

"He won't!" said Azula, leaning onto Zhan. "Because we'll stop it."

"Count me in as well," added Katara.

"Me too," said Zuko as well.

"I'm coming too then," said Mai.

"What about the rest of us?" asked Sokka. "What is our destiny today?"

"What do you think it is?"

"I think that, even though we don't know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet," said Zuko.

"...and that means when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we'll be right there if he needs us," added Toph.

"I'll tag with you guys then," said Ty Lee. "I'm better up-high than down-low."

Azula couldn't help but chuckle at Ty Lee's statement with the rest - still hilarious in every event.


The time was nearing, as Mai and Ty Lee said while they hug each other and said their goodbyes. Not knowing if they would see each other again, everyone said their goodbyes.

"This is it...the final charge..." mumbled Azula as she eyed everybody here. Barely a few months, yet she felt like she had known them for years. "Zhan...a moment?"

"Sure..." he replied, as they went to a secluded place. "What is it?"

"Sure..." he replied, as they went to a secluded place. "What is it?"

"I have something to say..." said Azula sniffling a bit as she intertwined their hands.

"Azula...you don't have to do..."

"Yes, I do..." she said, a few tears falling down her face. "These times...these years, we've been together. It's been the happiest moments of my life, each moment, each minute..."

She then dried her tears. "Sorry...I'm not good at this...I'll just says this out...I love you, Zhan. It has gone unsaid long enough. After this is over...after everything I- I want to be with you until my final days together always."

"Azula, I know that...and I love you too," he replied, holding her face as they had their final kiss. A symbol of unity and bond that they would fight or die together.

"It's always happy to see something good in this dark time," spoke Iroh's voice, causing the couple to break their makeout.

"Privacy...?" said Zhan, a little annoyed at the lack of privacy everywhere; as Azula hid, her flushed face in his chest.

"Pardon an old man, yet I'm glad you of all people my niece, have found somebody," said Iroh.

"More like he found me..." replied Azula, still a bit red. "But, thanks anyway."

"I'd have to thank you, my boy," said Iroh, patting Zhan's shoulder. "You saw something in her, something everybody had given up on, even me. I hope your future to be a great and happy one."

"Thank you, General Iroh," replied Zhan, shaking his hand.

"Goodbye, Uncle Iroh," said Azula, hugging Iroh.

"Goodbye Azula," replied Iroh, as they broke the hug, they headed for Appa, it was time for war.

"Nothing runs faster over land or swims quicker than a giant eel hound," explained Piandao to Sokka. "The airship base is on a small island just off the Earth Kingdom shore. You should be able to intercept the fleet within a day's journey."

"Thank you, Master."

"So if I'm going to be Fire Lord after the war is over, what are you going to do?" asked Zuko as his team climbed onto Appa.

"After I re-conquer Ba Sing Se, I will go on a quest to conquer my tea shop, and I'm going to play Pai Sho every day."

"Goodbye, General Iroh," said Katara, as everybody was ready to move out.

"Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend," replied Iroh. "I know it."

"May our strength and courage be enough to carry us to the other side and beyond," spoke Ty Lee, as a final departing word. Then they left Azula, Katara, Mai, Zhan, and Zuko on Appa; Sokka, Suki, Toph, and Ty Lee on the eel hound. The White Lotuses wave at them goodbye and good luck, for they would need it.
