Suichi Todoroki is the son of Shoto Todoroki and Momo Todoroki. His quirk is a fusion of both of their quirks. When their quirks fused they made Suichi's quirk Thermal:Creation. Before becoming friends with Yami and Kenji he had a friend who had a powerful quirk. One day they decided to sneak out so they could hang out. Then they heard a scream of a woman. They went running where they had heard the screaming but no one was there. But then a womans voice said "Aw man I was hoping for some heroes to come not two little kids." Then a man says "Well honey we don't always get what we want." After thirty minutes of torture Suichi escaped but his friend had been killed by those monsters. When he got home his parents were shocked to see what happened to him and he explained what happened. After that event he became like his father emotionless. Afterwards he met Kenji and Yami.