Chapter 26

Yami and Suichi wake up to see that they had lost the battle. Deku then walks up to them and sticks his hands out to help them up. A few hours after the mock battle Deku says "Ok boys it's time to go around the city for a patrol." When they get in their costumes they head out and start walking the streets of the city. After a while Deku says that they should split for a few minutes so that they can get the feeling of working on their own. Yami and Suichi agree and head in the opposite direction of Deku and say that they will meet back at the Agency within a hour. While walking they hear a slight chuckle coming from the back alleyway that they are walking pasted. Yami walks down the alleyway while lighting it up with his quirk. When Suichi follows they in counter someone who they didn't expect. A woman in her mid thirties jumps out at them with a knife in hand. She goes to attack Yami as he was the closest to her. Luckily he was able not to be damaged from the blade. She then says "Ahhh where's my Deku? He always goes by this alleyway at this time. Why did two wannabe heroes go his route?!" As she is saying this Suichi recognizes this strange woman and shouts to Yami "Yami be careful that's Toga Himiko from the League of Villains!" When Yami hears this he opens a black hole underneath both himself and Suichi and escape to the Agency. When they fall through the portals Yami calls Deku on his cell phone and tells him that one of the top dogs from the league is hiding around the city. End of chapter 26.