Chapter 1

Running, It felt like all I could do was run. other then making music it was the only other thing that could calm me.

it was the middle of the day and all I could feel was the wind blowing through my fiery red fur. As I ran I could tell it was starting to get late but I wasn't ready to go home yet, So I ran back to the river shore where I had left my cloths at the beginning of my run. when I got back to the river I transformed and put my clothes back on and leaned down to look at my reflection in the water. as I looked at my at myself I saw my fiery red hair and blue eyes, and my pale but freckly face, I saw it was starting to get dark so I stood up "I should probably get home and get ready" I said to my self as I started to walk through the woods home.

10 minutes later I got home and started to get ready for my small band to preform at a bar.

they allowed me and my friends to go there and preform because we were over 18. as I was looking through my closet I found the perfect outfit to wear I put on a red mini skirt and black top some ankle high boots and a red and black jacket it looked better then it sounded.

l went down and I heard my mother call my name "Aria" she yelled as I walked down the steps trying to keep my balance as I wasn't used to walking in anything with heels "be careful and don't forget to sing your heart out ok sweetie" she said as she kissed my forehead "I will mom don't worry I'll see you in a few hours" I said hugging her "I know just be careful" she said with a worried look " I will" as soon as I said that I heard a honk from out side "that must be Mia I'll see you later mom" I yelled as I ran out the door" "bye" my mom yelled as the door shut.

I got in the car and Mia turned to me "you look perfect" she said with a smile " so do you Mia" I also said with a smile. she pulled out of my driveway and drove to the bar

as soon as we stepped inside I saw the other girls they were the rest of the band, and the rest of my friends in our little band there was Mia who played the guitar Gina was on drums Lexi on the keyboard and me I was the lead singer. "you guys already set up?" I asked right as they were finishing connecting the speakers. "yeah we got here early that way we wouldn't have to worry about it now" Gina said as she jumped off the stage.

"people will be arriving soon the bar manager said he will introduce the band and then we will come out from behind that curtain" she said as she pointed at the curtain.

before I could say anything we heard a scream come from the stage Lexi ran over in excitement and as she said "Guys you won't believe it my partner for the season just told me that the alpha was coming to this bar tonight".

Lexi was the group gossip she somehow always found out everything especially about our alpha. (I'll get in to more detail about him later though.)

"hey it doesn't matter who is coming we can't be nervous if we are we'll mess up" I said as I crossed my arms

it's not that I hate the alpha in fact I think he's absolutely amazing I mean he runs the biggest and strongest pack in the world but this band is important to me so i have to stay focused.

"alright ladies" the bar manager said Get behind the curtain and be ready to come out" we quickly ran behind the curtain as people started to come in. 10 minutes past and the bar manager finally introduced us onto the stage. "hello everyone tonight I would like to welcome a small band with great music the She wolves"

as everyone clapped we walked into the stage a minute later the music started playing and I started to sing "come on come on I can almost see it now" as I was singing I saw him "come on come on just a little farther now" Aiden Lockwood The alpha of our pack staring right at me. but I had to keep singing "cuz I I I refuse to ever lose OOooooooooo" and like that the first song ended.

at one point a few hours had passed and it was already almost midnight we finished preforming and packed up the equipment to leave I checked my pocket for my phone so I could check the time but it wasn't there "oh crap I must have left my phone in side. Mia Hold on I left my phone inside! I yelled to her as I ran back inside.

I grabbed my phone off the table I had left it on and went for the side entrance that I had just previously come in at but before I could reach the door I heard my name "Aria Winchester?"

I turned around to see who it was and to my surprise it was the alpha "you have a very good voice" he said with a smile "uh thank you" I said nervously as I slowly backed to the door.

before I new it his hands were right next to my shoulders against the door leaving me no chance to escape "what are you afraid of" he asked the questionable smirk on his face "not you that's for sure" oh no I thought I just made a huge mistake.

"oh really" he said as if not surprised "if you don't mind I have to get home" I said looking straight into his eyes although I knew by looking into his eyes I was basically challenging him.

"alright he said I just want to give you something" before I had a chance to react he bit into me, not at my neck but right above my collarbone marking me.

after a minute he released and started to walk away. but as he walked away he said "that mark means your mine for the season any wolf tries to touch you he's dead"

I didn't believe it he just met me, and he marked me without my consent. as soon as I remembered Mia was still waiting for me I blocked The Mark with the collar from my jacket and ran to the car.

As soon as I got home I ran to my room and changed hoping that when I wake up in the morning, everything that just happened would not have been a real.