Chapter 6 the Hospital

°beep... beep... beep°

*what's happening*



I was working in my office signing documents when my phone rang. it was weird because I told everyone not to bother me when I'm working unless it's an emergency.

when I looked at the caller ID I saw that it was Amy Aria's mother. so I answered, "Oh Aiden it's terrible" she said crying over the phone "what's wrong is everything ok" I said worried "I-its Aria some-someone stabbed her" she replied continuing to cry "What!!! I'll be right there" I grabbed my coat and ran out of the room to my car.

I sped all the way to the hospital, when I got there I saw Amy, Robert, and Rachel, Aria's sister looked like she would pop at any time which kind of did worry me.

"How is she?" I asked "any word?"

"No" Robert her father said looking more worried then anyone.

"Did they get the person who did it" I asked not really knowing what to do. "No she was at Mia her best friends Mating ceremony when the power where out. when the lights came back on she found Aria on the floor bleeding out.

Suddenly we heard a scream an turned to Rachel "Ahhh I-I think the baby's coming"

"help we need a doctor" Robert yelled

"I'll call Brian" I said taking my phone out.

I was honestly shocked, first Aria gets stabbed and now her sister giving birth, I didn't want to say it but "Can this day get any worse...

After a few moments Cassandra came out of surgery with nurses pushing Aria's bed to a recovery room.

Cas was the pack healer the one in charge of everything to do with both mental and physical injuries. She's also one of my closest friends

"Hey Cas how is she"





"Hey Cas how is she" Aiden said with a worried look on his face "She had lost a lot of blood and the wound was deep I was able to stabilize her and i want her to spend at least 3 days in the hospital"

I am a healer and a good damn one at that I'm one of the best in the country and I try to help as many wolves as I can. of course I can't save everyone but I try.

I could tell by the look in his eyes he was worried to be honest I don't think I've ever see him so worried.

"I know your worried Aiden but I can't stay, I'm sorry. but now I have to go deliver her sister's baby" I said putting my hand on his shoulder "yeah ok you go Brian should be there I'll visit in a bit" I gave him a hug and walked away.



I slowly opened my eyes to see bright LED hospital light "your awake" I turned my head to see Aiden smiling in the sweetest way possible "hey" I replied with a tired smile "I know your hurt but I should probably tell you your sister is in labor" "What" I said shooting up wincing in pain.

"I need to be there" I said trying to get out of bed "no you can't you just woke up and your obviously in pain" Aiden said as he was keeping me from getting up "why do you even care" I replied not knowing what else to say

"Because, I Marked you and that means I have to protect you" I looked into his eyes and I could he wasn't kidding "also I didn't want to bring it up but do you know who attacked you?"

now that I really had time to think about it I didn't. "No I don't, I'm sorry" I said as I tightened my grip into the blanket. "Aria look at me" he said putting his hand under my chin and lifting it "you do not have to apologize you are the victim here nobody else you are what's impossible if you don't know it's ok because we will find out who did it"

"thank you" I said as I started to tear up and I smiled. I then hugged him digging my face into his chest after a moment I looked up at his bright blue eyes and said "I love you"