Chapter 13 Help

"Congratulations your gonna be a mother Aria." my mother said coming to hug me. I couldn't believe it I was gonna have a baby "mom I have to tell Aiden" I said and she nodded "go I'll tell your sister and father" I smiled and gave her one more hug "thank you" I ran down stairs out the door and to my car then I texted Aiden.



Are you still at home?

Yeah why?

just stay there I have a

surprise for you.


I pulled out of my parents driveway and started driving down the road but then I started to feel dizzy, so dizzy my vision became blurry I quickly pulled over to the side of the road and called Aiden.

it rang for a minute and he answered "hey are you on your way over yet" he asked "Aiden I need help" I said breathing heavily I new it wasn't the haze it never did this "wants wrong? where are you? I'll come get you!" he asked "I-Im on the side of the road I-Im on Jackson Street" I said "please hurry."



I didn't even have a chance to think I only knew that I had to get to her. so I ran out the door and transformed into my wolf running as fast as possible to get to her. after about 10 minutes I got to her I transformed into my human form got a robe out of the back seat and saw her laying unconscious. I picked her up and put her in the passenger seat then I drove to hospital.

I pulled up in front of the hospital and got out of the car and ran inside to the first nurse I found "please help my mate something's wrong with her" "Alpha Lockwood!" she said was surprised "where is she" she grabbed the wheelchair and followed me out to the car.

I open the door I will put Aria in the wheelchair she restaurant to the hospital I followed until finally they wouldn't let me pass doors the examination room "I'm the goddamn Alpha! let me in!" "sir please calm down well let you in as soon as we know what's going on with her"

I took a deep breath and calm down the nurse that had stopped me from going in the examination room led me to a chair that I could wait at.

it was probably about an hour until the nurse that wield Aria in came out again but to me it felt like forever "Alpha Lockwood please follow me" she said.

I followed her to the room Aria was in. I walked over to my mate sleeping peacefully on the bed or the IVs in her. "what's wrong with her?" I asked "we're not sure yet actually"

she replied "but we have a feeling that has to do with her being pregnant." "pregnant" I said that must have been a surprise to me.

I'm going to be a father I thought to myself "the doctor will be in shortly" the nurse said walking out of the room.

after about a half an hour Cas walked in "let me examine her" she said walking over to her. she looked it up Aria shirt she just above her belly then put her hands on it and her hands started to Glow.

"the baby looks healthy, it seems to be about 8 weeks old, and it is not the cause of her being unconscious." she said as an observation "then what is" I asked.

"her being unconscious could be caused by stress it seems to be mentally currently not physically. but we won't know until she wakes up what should be a few hours." "thanks Cas" I replied she walked out of the room. she turned and said "no problem, let me know when she wakes up." then walking out of the room.

I grabbed his hand and sat in a chair next to the bed "please wake up soon" I said leaning my head against her hand.

what could have caused us. what kind of made her unconscious. of course I wanted to think about me being the father, her being a mother. but it was like all I could think about was her waking up.

"hey" I heard from next to me. I looked up and it was all right bright-eyed smiling but tired looking. I smiled "hey" I replied

To Be Continued