Chapter 17

"are you ok"I heard Aiden say sitting next to me in the driver's seat. I said nothing, I didn't know what to say or do I had forgotten half the day.

he pulled over and looked at me with a worried look "Aria what's wrong" he asked sounding desperate "Aiden I lied" I said looking up at him "about what" he asked.

"the last client didn't leave early and I didn't decide to take a nap. at least I don't think I did" I sad about to burst into tears "what happened" he asked be fore he raced around the car opened my door and kneel down so that we had eye contact.

"I don't know one minute I was showing Elijah to the sound booth and the next I wake up on the couch of the studio" he rapped his arms around me "Elijah is the man from last week isn't he" he asked whispering in my ear.

"yes" I replied he released me from his grasp and looked me in the eyes "we'll talk when we get home ok right now let's have a nice night" he said with a sweet smile.

he stood up and closed my door then he went around back to the driver's seat and we once again started for our destination.

after about 10 minutes we got to lilies, Aiden parked the car and led me inside. when we walked in all I heard was "SURPRISE".

everyone I loved was here I ran up to everyone and hugged them one by one "what's going on?" I asked "we all wanted to celebrate the fact you were having a baby" Gina said walking over to me.

"but Mia is also pregnant why didn't she get a party like this?" I asked again "that's because I didn't need it but you do" Mia said walking over to me "Aria you work so hard with helping Aiden run the pack, and running your amazingly busy studio you deserve this." Mia continued.

"thank you" I replied hugging her "where's Lexi I haven't seen her yet?" "uh she's probably just running late is all" Gina replied "oh ok I'm gonna go say hi to everyone else Brb" I said walking away.



"Gina why did you lie to her" I asked pulling her aside "because if she knew the real reason Lexi didn't come she would be heart broken" Gina replied

"But won't lying just make things worse in the end?" I asked "probably" she replied.

we had known each other since kindergarten.

Aria was the one who walked up to us and wanted to be friends. she was the one who stuck with us.

she always knew when we were in pain weather it be physical or mental, she was there. but some how she never saw the jealousy behind Lexi's Eyes. but to be honest I never understood it either



I was talking to my dad when the doors swung open. A man and a woman that looked to be in there mid 40's walked in.

the woman was blonde with curled hair, she wore red stilettos and was wearing a red dress that fell to her knees with a red purse. what a theme I thought.

the man had black hair and was wearing a suit and tie he was tall and had a confident look.

Aiden came out from the bathroom and stopped in his tracks with his eyes wide. then he looked at me wait it couldn't be I thought.

the woman walked over to me and grabbed my hands "hello you must be Aria" she said, I nodded "it's nice to meet you I'm Emma, Aiden's mother.

To Be Continued