Chapter 19

"Aiden wake up we'll be late" I yelled from the bathroom "yeah yeah I'm up" he said walking into the bathroom with me.

"hey" he said rapping his arms around me and kissing my neck "babe no time hurry up and get ready" I replied pushing him away.

his face got all pouty and he walked out of the room like a child that just got told no but I guess that makes sense in its own little way.

after about 15 minutes we got in the car and went to the hospital for my check up.

we walked in and standing by some chairs was Emma "ah your finally here" she said walking over to us.

"how did you know about my appointment" I asked "oh my dear I may not be the Luna of the pack anymore but I make sure to know everything about Aiden" she replied "oh and don't worry I already checked you in" she continued "mom I know you want to be here for your future grandchild but she still has about 7 months to go you don't have to do everything for us" Aiden finally chimed in.

"I just want to be there for my future grandson is that to much to ask" she replied as she started to tear up "YOU weren't even there for your son and daughter and now you just want to pop up saying my mate is having a boy when we don't even know yet and try to take over our lives!!!" he yelled.

"the first child born to an alpha is always a boy it's tradition through the genes" she replied with her head down

"Please calm down Aiden" I finally said but it was as if he didn't hear me "Mom just because something has happened for hundreds of years doesn't mean anything!" he said with a Stern tone "Aiden you need to calm down" I said again "it is practically impossible for your first child to be born female and you shouldn't talk to your mother this way" his mother replied starting to get louder.

"SHUT UP!" I finally yelled "we are in public and you to claim to be adults yelling and screaming in front of everyone, learn to get along or both of you can stay away from me" I said in a Stern tone then walked away before I could fully leave I turned to Aiden "and I don't care if you are my mate" then turning and walking to the door where a doctor was waiting for me.

I guess she tried to get my attention but couldn't with all the yelling I myself didn't even notice her until I turned and walked away.

"Aiden let's go" I said not even looking at him. the doctor led us to a small ultrasound room "ok Mrs. Lockwood please just lay down on the bed I'll go get your records quickly and be right back" she said then closing the door and leaving.

after a few minutes Aiden finally said something "I'm sorry, you were right me and my mother shouldn't have fought in public or in front of you". "im half you understand but I'm still pissed" I replied "and you have the right to be just please forgive me" he said with a sad tone.

"Alright" I replied "come here hold my hand" I said as he walked over to me.

After a few minutes the doctor finally came into the room. and got everything set

"ok this gel may feel a little cold but you'll get used to it after a few minutes." she said holding a gel bottle then squeezing a little bit out and putting it on my stomach "here we go" she said as the ultrasound finally started

To Be Continued