Angelica woke up really early. The sun hadn't even got up yet but she knew that sun rise was right around the corner.
She got up and open the window she looked out in deep thought. She looked towards the bed and saw the two pups asleep still. She went near them and smiled.
'Helix you did a good job!' She caressed his fur and then Harry's head which made his growl a bit.
His transformation had lasted for a long time as he played around with the group. But soon enough his magic wore down and the maximum time he was granted in human form was 45 minutes. It was a great achievement!
'But I think I like you guys in baby form more' she thought.
She laughed softly and went towards the door of her room and opened it. She quite closed it and walked down the hall and towards the staircase that she was at before.
But to her shock, Ivan was up as well and he looked at her a stunned. They both recovered and smiled.
"Good morning, Princess" Ivan said and gave her a tea cup that was filled with tea.
"Good morning to you too, Prince." Angelica gladly took the tea cup and took a sip.
She smiled at the taste and closed her eyes enjoying the taste. This tea was probably expensive. Such flavour and taste. She might buy it and drink it when she had time.
Angelica had a massive tea collection and she was also addicted in discovering and tasting the many flavours. She especially enjoyed flower teas the most. Her eyes flickered as she fell into a trance.
Remembering those days in the past made her eyes turn a bit blurred.
For the past few days she asked herself, what exactly was wrong with her and why the memories keep on coming. But she couldn't find an answer but she knew it started during a certain time.
But when exactly?
It suddenly hit her. When she was out and she met the Prince who was undercover. That time in the interrogation was the start of the memories. Ever since that day she had dreams of the past where her life was full of adventures.
Full of life and— love?
Love... she looked down at the tea cup and watch it swirl for a bit and then finally stop to a calm surface. She could se her reflection on the surface of the tea.
How many times have you heard the word but still don't understand what it meant? 'Love' was exactly that word.
Angelica rubbed her temple with her hands to shake off the gloomy feelings. It was too early to be upset and most importantly they were leaving today so she shouldn't be a whiny brat at the moment.
"Hm, the tea is great. Reminds me of many things." She said taking another sip.
"It's indeed did a great tea but don't drink to much of it. You'll get drunk." He said.
"What?" Angelica was taken aback hearing his words?
"This tea is made from a special blend of wine that is found in the Southern Region. The contents are high but a cup won't hurt for you but try not to drink to much." Ivan said drinking another cup.
"Getting so drunk in the morning, your not healthy at all." Angelica said and continued to savour the tea.
"Says the pot calling the kettle black. Aren't you drinking as well?"
"But you gave it to me!!" She retorted immediately.
"You didn't have to drink it. I just put the cup in front of you." He shamelessly said.
Angelica became speechless and didn't know what to say to this man.
"We're leaving this morning, pack up and get ready." Ivan put down his cup and pulled out something from his chest pocket and walked towards her side.
".....?" Angelica looked at him curiously at his actions.
"Take this, it a communicator stone." the stone was embedded into an earring, "This stone is connected to a matching pair that I have." He pointed to the black earring that he always wore.
"I was initially gonna give this yesterday but I forgot."
"But why would I need this?" Angelica was clearly confused about the purpose and not the item.
"See here..." he scratch his face and explained, "Once was teleport to the City of Gold, I explained before that we would go into hiding correct?"
Angelica nodded and he continued, "As you know that both me and Lance are busy people in the country. I won't be there all the time and communication between all of us is important. That why this stone shall allow you to connect to me at all times. Don't even hesitate to call and even for simple things."
"Okay. Is there anything else I need to know before going there?" She felt that his explanation had some holes in them but she wasn't exactly sure.
"Nope." he gave Angelica the earring and she put it on without much thought. Ivan eyes darkened as she put it on.
He didn't tell her that it also had magic that could track down her location. He was sure that she would protest if she found out.
"Okay then, I'll go get ready." Angelica got up and walked back to her room.
Ivan stared at her retreating figure for awhile and then went to prepare for their departure.
- - - - -
'So that's why they were staying at this inn.' Angelica mused.
She looked around with interest as they headed down the spiralling staircase. Even if she can't see it the feel of magic here was dense. Many magic circles were probably put around the area to hide this from others detecting it.
"Amazing." She said to herself.
They soon reached the bottom where Marcus was at. He didn't even hold back at glaring at her openly.
Angelica almost rolled her eyes seeing the nasty glare. But she didn't bother provoking him, it was troublesome.
"Duke, the magic circle had been prepared. We can leave as soon as you say so." Marcus said to Ivan.
"Then we'll leave now." Ivan said.
They 5 of them and the wolves entered the circle that was on the ground.
'This magic circle is definitely new. I should read about it later.' Angelica thought.
The flash of purple appeared and soon Angelica felt her balance shift and soon the scenery in front of her changed immediately. She felt a like something hit her body and she closed her eyes to make sure she didn't feel uncomfortable.
The wobbling feeling finally disappeared and she slowly opened her eyes and became shocked by the scene.
Just where they hell did she end up arriving?
"Princess, are you okay?"