
Taking a stroll in his garden, Roman had to clear his head after the events that transpired the day before, he felt more confused than ever.

He believed that Margaret was happy and contented but the fact that she made a wish to the Old Sage, made him wonder if there was something she wasn't telling him.

That along with the fact that the Old Sage hasn't granted anyone's wishes since his grandfather's time, let alone allow a Fairy Godmother to choose whether to carry it out or not; the situation feels more serious than he first believed.

"Though she seems like she knows what she's doing . . . sometimes."

He remembered the rabbits she conjured up and, if he hadn't seen her summoned by the Old Sage, he would have believed the story she told as well.

"I wonder if there are more creatures like that where she comes from. I should ask her to show them to me . . . for research."

"Good morning, your majesty!" Lillian waved from the kitchen door, a wooden spoon in one hand and a bowl in the other. She is covered in flour from head to toe.

He walked up to her and spoke, "Dearest Fairy Godmother~, good morning. What are you doing? You're my guest you shouldn't have to work."

"Oh. This is just my way of showing gratitude. So don't worry, I'm not being put to work."

He looked into the bowl and scrunched up his nose at the goop inside. "You can leave the cooking to the chiefs. Just tell them to make what you want and they'll do it."

"But they've never heard of anything I asked them to make . . . Your majesty, have you ever heard of cake?"

"What is that?"

Lillian gasped, then patted his shoulder with her elbow. "I'll make you the best cake ever. There are three things I am the best at. The two are event planning and baking."

"What's the third?"

Lillian grinned at him. "Finding extremely attractive people."

Roman narrowed his eyes as she laughed.

"I better go and shove this into the oven. You know, it's strange how there are traditional ovens, and bread is a common food, yet no one knows about cakes or any pastry I mention."

Roman smiled. "I'll leave it to you then, Dearest Fairy Godmother~. Oh! Before you leave, Margaret and I are to meet for afternoon tea."

"Your majesty~ are you inviting me, a lowly commoner, to drink tea with you and the Duchess?" Lillian wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't know. I seem to recall a certain someone begging me to help her not too long ago." He mocked.

"I didn't beg," Lillian mumbled.

"What was that~?" He bent down to her height, ear turned to her.

"Nothing. I'll see you at tea!" Lillian ran back into the kitchen leaving Roman as he continued to laugh.

Just as he turned to leave, he heard her call out to him again.

"Your majesty."


"Can I bring what I'm making to tea?"

"After the cook confirms that it is safe to eat then you may."

" . . . You don't trust me? Think I'll poison you or something?"

"Poison? Is that deadly?"

"Of course."

"I have never heard of it but the most deadly thing you can do here is to strip the person of their ability to use magic and as you can see," he stretched his hands out, "I do not mean to brag but I'm practically immune to it. The worst you could do is give me a stomach ache."

"Ok. See you later, your Majesty." With that, she ran back inside.


Roman and Margaret sat opposite each other on the porch overlooking the vast array of flowers and their colourful leaves, the tea is yet to arrive. They were talking and laughing about years that had already passed.

Just like the night before, Roman couldn't bring himself to ask Margaret anything.

"Greetings!" Lillian entered the porch holding a serving tray with a metal cloche.

"Good afternoon, Lady Lillian. How are you?" Margaret greeted, eyes on the tray.

"I'm alright." Said Lillian, placing the tray on the table.

"Your Highness and esteemed Duchess, I wanted to express my deepest gratitude so I made some desserts from my place for you to enjoy."

"That is so exciting," Margaret exclaimed. "Right, your Highness?"

Roman smiling at her, "Yes." He turned to Lillian, narrowing his eyes. "Very exciting."

Lillian lifted the cloche and revealing a Victorian Sponge Cake. Covered in fruits and cream, it looked almost like a little garden.

"Oh! It's beautiful, Lady Lillian." Margaret gasped, even Roman looked impressed.

"There are more. I'll cut and serve the cake. They'll bring the rest in."

Maids entered bringing in plates of various cookies, tarts, pies and buns.

"Did you make all of these?" Roman asked while Margaret stared, mouth agape.

"Yeah. Here."

One maid handed out the plates with the cake slices, placing them in front of Roman and Margaret as Lillian took her seat.

"Go ahead."

Lillian took a fork and dug in. Sighing happily with every bite.

Margaret followed, and, hesitantly, Roman.

"What is this? It is heavenly. Don't you think so, your highness? Your Highness?"

Lillian looked at Roman and dropped her fork.

He looked like he has attained enlightenment and his soul had left his body.

"Your majesty!" Lillian grabbed him by the collar, shaking him back and forth while continually shouting, "Come back!"

"Lillian!" Roman grabbed her arms to stop her. "I am fine."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can calm down, ok?" Roman enunciated his words slowly, trying not to scare her further.

Lillian blushed and pulled away when she realised what she did, "I'm sorry. I just . . . panicked."

"No, it is alright." He fixed his collar. "I just never had anyone react that . . . passionately before." Roman teased.

"But what happened, Roman?" Margaret settled back on her chair, taking another bite of the cake.

"It's just . . . I can't believe I've never had this before." His eyes sparkled with each bite he took.

"I'm really glad you like it, your majesty and you as well, Duchess." Lillian smiled, indicating to the other plates. "Have some of the others."

Roman took a sugar cookie, eating it while he drank his tea.

Lillian watched Margaret closely, from the corner of her eye, as she took a Lemon Meringue Pie. Biting into it she gasped, "This is delicious, Lady Lillian. Though a little too sour for my taste."

Jumping up she exclaimed, "Duchess! You mustn't eat that one."

"And why not?"

Roman looked from Margaret to Lillian, seeing a twinkle in her eyes.

"It's a Lemon Meringue Pie. It's not good for pregnant women as it contains raw eggs. It can lead to . . . bad things. I am so sorry, I forgot all about it. Here, I'll take it away." Lillian got out of her seat and reached for the plate.

"It is quite alright, Lady Lillian. It is starting to grow on me."


"Will you deny me something I really desire, Lady Lillian?" She stared at her with her brilliant emerald green eyes, a cold smile on her face.

"No, Duchess."

"Margaret." Roman looked at her full of concern.

"Well, now that that's settled. I think I should retire to my room, I am feeling a little tired. Marietta!"

"Yes, Duchess?" A maid entered the porch.

"I wish to have some more of the Lemon pie in my room, please bring as much of these are you can."

"Yes, Duchess."

"Margaret!" Roman stood from his seat.

"Thank you for allowing me to join you for tea, your Highness. And Lady Lillian, thank you for the treats. I look forward to more in the future."

She walked away with light and graceful steps.

Marietta following behind with a plate and some of the pies.

"What are you planning?" Roman glared at Lillian.

"Whatever do you mean?" Lillian faked innocence.

"You know what I'm saying. From what I gathered, you maybe dumb but you aren't stupid or forgetful. Why would you make that if you know it can harm her?"

Lillian gave up, he was too smart for her. "I only needed to confirm something and don't worry, I changed the recipe. Nothing will happen to her."

"Confirm? Wait . . . you don't mean."

"Now you know her wish right?" Lillian smiled at him.

"No way." He collapsed into the chair. "Why would she want that?"

"I don't know. But I need to find out, that's why I was so desperate for your help. I wouldn't have asked if I knew that I could take care of it."

Roman thought for a while. "What do you need me to do now?"

"Nothing really. You did everything already, your Majesty. Leave her to me and worry more about your subjects."

"Again with that? I told you that my subjects are living a contented life."

"Are you sure? Then why are they planning a revolt?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Who says they are?" He said, teasingly.

"You're impossible. Never mind. You're not my concern. I'll go check up on the Duchess. By the way, would you like more of these treats in the coming days?"

"Of course. . . If you don't mind, that is."

She smiled at him. "So how would you like me to decorate them."


"Yeah. Some of them can be made into different shapes. So ask away."

Roman looked thoughtful for a moment before he said, "Remember those little creatures you made yesterday?"

"Do you mean the rabbits?"

" . . . Yeah." He scratched the back of his head. "If you can that is."

Lillian covered her mouth, staring at him in awe.

He likes the rabbits!

"Of course! I'll make thousands." She sounded a little too eager.

"That is not necessary. Anyway, shouldn't you change out of your dress?"

Lillian looked at her dress, dried blood stains and flour covered the majority of her dress.

"Or, do you not have any other? Should I ask Margaret to lend you some of her dresses?" He looked like he wanted to mock her but was holding it back.

"Let me see if I can just-" she flicked her wrists and the dress became clean again. "There, good as new. I should have done this yesterday. And thank you for your offer but this dress and I are one. Now, toodles. Think of why your people want to revolt against you, I'll worry about the Duchess."

With that, she was out the door.



"Ok, you just have to knock and ask. Come on, you can do it."

Lillian is standing outside the Duchess's room, trying to muster up the courage to knock on the door.

It's literally your job to talk to people. Why can't you do that now?

I don't know, maybe because she is the Duchess and in a far higher status than me?

Lillian rested her head on a pillar, "Have I been left alone for too long that I can now argue with myself?"

"Author, why couldn't you have made me smart and full of charisma? It's all your fault that this is so hard right now!"

(Author: Do you really think I'm capable of creating a smart and charismatic character?!?!)

"Ok. Ok. I'll just have to knock. Just knock, Lillian." She stopped her hand just as it touched the door. She panicked and ran to the end of the hall, smashing her head into the wall, repeatedly.

"She's not going to kill you." She said to her reflection on the window, a cut appeared on her forehead. "Stop being so scared unnecessarily."

"Hey~ Fairy Godmother~ I have something-" Roman stopped in his tracks, staring at Lillian. With her hair sticking out in every direction, blood gushing out of the cut and the cracks on the wall, he gulped.

"A-are you alright?" He said, trying hard not to laugh.

She quickly tried to regain her composure, leaning against the wall. "Oh! Your Highness. What brings you here?"

"You've got a little cut in your forehead."

"I'm sure it's nothing. Is there anything you need?"

"I think you should see the physician-"

"It's fine. Anything else, your highness?"

" . . . I don't-"

"Ah good. I shall see you later. Good day, sire." She power walked out of his sight, straight into her room.

Calmly walking to her bed, she took one quick glance at the mirror and picked up a pillow.

Burning her face into the pillow she screamed and jumped on the bed.

"I look like a gorilla that just got into a fight with an alligator."

Pulling away she saw the bloodstains on the pillow, "And. . . And. . . It also looks like I lost." She wailed.

"He may be annoying but he's at least attractive, charismatic AND annoying. Some characteristics outweighing the other." She sighed, healing her wound and fixing her hair.

"How am I going to do this? I can hardly find a reason to talk to her."

"Excuse me, Lady Lillian." A woman entered the room.


She gave held a note in her hands. "His Highness told me to give this to you. He also told me to say, 'Everything is up to you now'."

Lillian opened the note and read it, smiling a little.

*A little birdie sings,

The red fox loves peaches and

the garden is bare.

What will the red fox do?*

"Where is the marketplace?" She asked the maid.

"It is just beyond the castle gates, my Lady."
