Running Out of Time

"What do you mean?" Lillian leaned against the table, across from Jasmine. The sewing machine and the dress along with pieces of it laying scattered around the table and floor.

Jasmine looked up from her glasses at Lillian. Her hair all tied up in a bun with strands coming loose from the bun.

"It is just as I said. You can't go back yet."

"But you said that time goes at the same pace in both worlds when I'm in this world, right?"

"Yes. But when you're in the other world, time is much slower here. Meaning that, even if you spend a month in Vetil only, about, an hour has passed here."

"Ok, and all these are reasons I need to go back as soon as possible. Remember that I'm a Fairy Godmother with a wish to grant and I'm also time-bound. If it's as you said then, that means I've already lost a day. I have only one more day left and I'm only getting more questions than answers." She fell back on the chair, tapping her fingers on the table surface.

Jasmine touched Lillian's hand to stop her tapping. "I understand, Lillian but I don't know what the Duke did to your dress. Something is wrong and I just can't seem to find out what and I'm not willing to risk anything."

"What do I do about the Duchess then? It's like a drama is taking place right before my eyes and I'm still missing the episodes. Why is the Duke so creepy? Why does the Duchess wish to lose her child and not be able to conceive anymore when she is so obviously so protective of it?"

She rested her head in her hands, frustration piling up from all the unanswered questions she had and the time ticking by.

Rose burst into the room, covered in dirt and gasping like she just ran a mile or two. Her sword glistened in her hand as it disappeared.

"Did you get it?" Jasmine asked.

Rose reached into her jacket pocket and took out a chain with a pendant, tossing it to Jasmine. She pulled up a chair for herself and promptly fell asleep on it.

"What's that?" Lillian asked, looking at the chain in Jasmine's hand. A tree-shaped pendant hung on it.

Jasmine took off her glasses and grinned. "This? It is some of the Old Sage's essence."


"Honestly, I'm surprised it even allowed Rose close enough to get its essence. This situation may be direr than we thought."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lillian huffed.

"Rose went back to Vetil to perform a magic spell to bring some essence of the Old Sage here, for you. This-" she held the chain out to Lillian, "-is that essence. And it will help you use your magic . . . better, in this world."


"Meaning, you'll be able to use stronger magic from the Old Sage here, in this world, to take you back there."

"Oooohhh~ That's brilliant!" She reached to take the chain from Jasmine but she pulled her hand away.

"But, Lillian. Remember, you weren't originally of that world, all your magic comes from the Old Sage so it's not going to be as strong as it could be. You're not just separated from your source in terms of miles, but in worlds and that dress is still the only thing that can transfer you completely there."

"So . . . ? You gotta help me here. I'm not as smart as I look."

"So, the most you can do with your limited magic is to connect your mind with someone there and have them pull your consciousness to that world."

"That's it? But . . . I don't know anyone who can do that, except you guys."

"Sorry, Lillian. This is the most we can do to help. I'm still working on the dress and Rose is knocked out cold." She held the chain out to her, the pendant glittering with the light from the room.

"It's better than nothing." She took the pendant. "Thank you."

"It's the least we can do." Jasmine smiled at her, Rose was mumbling something in her sleep, then all went quiet again.

"Are you going to teach me how to do it?"

"I'm sure you can figure it out." Jasmine put on her glasses again and got back to work. Completely shutting everything else out.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night." Lillian walked out the door, into the boutique and out the front door.

The cool breeze greeted her in the night as she made her way home. Cars honked in the distance as she walked under the streetlights looking at the necklace in her hand, contemplating on what she should do.

Reaching home, Lillian cleared out space on her floor and sat down, cross-legged. She wore the necklace and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

The only person she can think of at the moment was Roman, so she reached out to him, trying to feel his presence. She really didn't know whether that's going to work or not but she has to try something.

The Duchess is leaving the day after and she is nowhere near solving any of the questions that may have arisen.

With only a day left, Lillian is running out of options and has no time to be picky.

Come on, your highness. Where are you?