Second Wish

"W-what just happened?" Arthur asked, staring at where Lillian was.

"You tell me. What's with those creatures?! And Lillian… Lillian… She…"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." Arthur embraced Jasmine who was shaking uncontrollably.

"Did you know? About the creatures?"

"No! I promise, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm so useless. I couldn't even help." He fell to the floor and started crying.

"It's ok. It's ok. At least his majesty and I are unharmed."

Aren't I the one that needs to be comforted?

"Ah, that's true. Still, it was something watching Lillian get consumed like that." He wiped his eyes.

What's going on here? Everyone feels so off. Even I don't feel like myself.

"She's gone, isn't she?" Jasmine asked, clutching Roman tighter.

"Yes. I'm sorry." He looked down.

"It's ok. Let's deal with this later on, for now we need to take care of his Majesty. Care to lead us to the King?" Jasmine picked herself up and began walking.

"Ah. W-wait for me." Arthur ran after her.

It was a very silent walk, as Jasmine's thoughts raced. Too many things happened and she wasn't sure of how to process them.

She'll be ok, right?

With the light from Arthur's flames, their shadows danced with every step they took.

The pathway is long and narrow, with stairs they had to climb to reach the top.

Arthur didn't dare say anything while walking but he kept glancing at Jasmine.

"H-hey, are you ok?" He asked, regretting his decision the moment he carried it out.

"Yes. I am fine. What about you, your majesty?" Jasmine held the frog up and it nodded, concern in its eyes.

"Don't worry about me. I'm good. Now, how much longer until we reach the door." Jasmine tried to liven up the mood.

"Only a little bit more and we'll reach there."

"Why didn't we just teleport?" Jasmine asked.

"It will appear like an attack on the King."

"What kind of King do you have? He doesn't seem so impressive."

"Our King? Well, he isn't really impressive, now. But before … He was glorious. He led his men to one victory after another. But one day, a war broke out in his kingdom while he was out, he rushed back as fast as he could but it appeared that those two were in cahoots. They attacked the King in his distraught state and thus, he can't use his magic anymore. We don't know what they did, only that the King came back alone, with an empty look in his eyes.

"If only he had listened to me that day, that wouldn't have had happened. Why did he have to care so much?

"Anyway, he has remained like that for years now. The only thing keeping him happy is his daughter, the princess. She isn't his real daughter but he still cherishes her deeply."

"Not his real daughter? Wait, you mean-"

"Yes, he adopted her."

"Is she related to him in any way?"

"I don't think so. He did find her in the rubble of a destroyed village, very close to death. But, his Majesty took such good care of her that she lived."

"Oh no." Jasmine ran her hand through her hair.

"Is something wrong?" Arthur asked. "Should I hold the King for you?"

I don't trust this guy, I really don't.

"No. I'm just trying to process everything."

"I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. I didn't mean to make you feel-"

"No, it's ok. Could you hold him for a minute?" Jasmine gave Roman to him, her hands had begun cramping already. "Is this it?"

They stopped in front of another door and stared at it. It is wooden with strange engravings on it, just like the other door before it.

"Yes. Could you push it open? My hands are full." Arthur indicated to the flame and Roman.

"Of course." Jasmine pushed the door open but almost fell, seeing how there is no floor underneath.

"What on earth?" She caught herself just in time, her heartbeat stuck to her throat. "Why didn't you warn m-"

Arthur kicked Jasmine down, a wide grin on his face. His eyes became like a crescent moon as Jasmine watched him while she fell down.

"See you later."

Jasmine sighed as she continued to fall.

"I knew it. That lying, two-faced … I need Lillian or Rose to curse for me." Jasmine sat in the air, her hair flowing everywhere as she continued to descend.

"If I am correct then this is the endless pit. How did he get his hand on this one? Forget that, what is he planning exactly?"

"Well, what does he want the most?" Lillian appeared beside Jasmine, her body translucent.

"Lillian! You're ok right?"

"Of course. Did you actually believe I was dead?" She laughed. "Even the readers wouldn't be so gullible."

"Lillian, I worry about you. I know this is all very strange but this isn't a dream or book. You know that right?" Jasmine looked at her, concern in her eyes.

Lillian just stared at her blankly then cleared her throat, "Ok, you were right about the flame, those creatures were really attracted to it. They didn't even care about you the moment you were away from the flame. Though, I had to separate my body from my consciousness again because those creatures took my body somewhere else. The flame is still burning."

"So you followed me here?"

"Yup. Though, are we really falling? It just feels like we are floating to me."

"That's coz you are floating. What do you think is going to happen now? Wait, what was it that he kept talking about?"


"Other than that."

"I remember him saying something about transferring magic?"

"So that's what he's planning."

"But, didn't you say that it's impossible? And why would he need to do that?"



"I don't think it's for him."

"What are you talking about?"

Jasmine repeated Lillian of what Arthur had just told her, about the King, the mysterious incident that happened and the daughter.

"Oh, I see. Wait here. I will be just a minute."

"And where are you going? Not to take a peek at the King I hope?"

"It seems he and I have the same taste. I just want to have a look."

"Lillian, there are more pressing matters right now. If the princess is not a real one then it won't work even if she kisses the King. Let's just get out of here. Summon your body and I will summon the King."

"Wait, just one look." Lillian raised her index finger and winked at Jasmine.


"Please, please. I also want to compare them. Both the Kings, that is. Please."


"Yay! You're the best, Jasmine. I'll be back in a heartbeat!" Lillian hugged Jasmine and disappeared again.

"Ok, hurry back. I don't want to stay here for too long." Jasmine clenched her teeth, "I don't want us to get involved in this."

"Wow. This castle is impressive." Lillian floated around the palace, invisible to everyone else.

"So many servants, compared to his Majesty's palace. I wonder why that is. Oh? Is this it?"

Lillian stopped in front of a large grand door decorated with emeralds and gold.

"This has to be it. Pardon me~"

Lillian entered the room and stopped when she saw the girl crying on the floor. Clothes, shoes and books lay scattered all around her. Even her hair was in a mess.

"Oops. Wrong room. Sorry. I'll leave you to your crying." Lillian slowly floated to the door, trying to not get her attention.

"Old Sage."

Lillian stopped, feeling a strong pull come to her from the girl. Wind chimes start sounding all around her.

Wait, no way.

"Old Sage. Hear my cry."

No. No. No. No.

"For a mere mortal as I."

No! I am on a break! Wait, the Old Sage isn't going to grant her wish. No way.


"Wishes to be trialed."


Everything around them disappeared as only Lillian and the girl were left with the Old Sage in between them.


Lillian's eyes became white as a mixture of voices came out of her mouth.

"Let the judgment commence."

Well, sh*t.