Caden, Brook and May

Lillian roamed around the place, helping where she could while looking for any dress shop to test out Jasmine's theory.

"Oh, Lillian. Could you help me here?" A woman or man would call out, to carry or grab something.

They were all doing this to try and find her a job so that they could give her something back like a 'reward'.

It's kind of them to do this but … at this rate, I won't be able to do what I need to.

"Lillian! I need your help here." Another woman called from the doorway of her house, she carried a baby on her hip.

"Coming!" Lillian called, still going to her.

Well, even if I say that I really can't refuse if they call me. The relationship I have with them is based on guilt, and it goes both ways.

And before she knew it, it was already time for her to go to the palace.

Sh*t. I wasted my time, didn't I? What am I going to do? I can't meet the King looking like this?

Lillian pulled in her hair and crouched on the ground as these thoughts circled her. She couldn't find one shop and was too busy to search. What is she going to do now?

"Eh? Lillian? Are you alright?" A woman came to her, her husband and children following closely behind.

"Oh, Lucy. Nothing. It's nothing." Lillian tried to fix her composure again. Straight hair after having curly hair all her life felt weird as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Nonsense. A mother's intuition is never wrong. Tell me, what's bothering you?" The woman looked so kindly at her with her dirt covered face and tattered loose-fitting dress.

I'm not really a child, so it'd be good if you stopped treating me like one.

Is what she wanted to say but she couldn't. She felt very bad thinking of the one lie she told, not knowing this would be the result of it.

What have I gotten myself into?

Lillian looked up at her again, she looked like an angel. A pregnant angel.

I wonder how the Duchess is doing. We never really dealt with her losing her child. Even if she didn't show it, she would have felt devastated. I should check up on her the moment I can.

"Lillian?" The woman gently placed her hand on Lillian's shoulders. Subconsciously, Lillian slapped her hand away, a look of fear in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean- Are you ok?" Lillian jumped up and took her hand in her own, inspecting it with the light from the lanterns strung all around the town. It made the town look prettier at night because you can't see the poverty in this golden light, only people living their life and there is something so surreal about that.

"It's alright Lillian. Now, why don't you tell me what's bothering you?"

Out of more guilt, I'm gonna have to tell her, aren't I? Man, I really don't want anyone involved with this.

"Fine… The thing is, I have to meet someone in two hours and … I don't have anything to wear to meet her. It's just something trivial, you don't have to worry yourself about it." Lillian tried to brush it away but she wouldn't let go.

"A friend? Could it be … the princess?"

"H-how did you know?" Lillian asked, in surprise.

"Well, there is this rumour going around that you have become friends with the princess. So I guess those rumours are true." The woman chuckled.

"Rumors? What rumours? How-"

"Never mind those now. If you are worried about how you look today then it must be a special occasion right? Come." Lillian tried to protest but the woman just pulled her to her house, leaving her husband and children behind.

"Ah, no … you don't have to worry about me. It's ok."

Holy sh*t, how is she so strong? Have pregnant women always been this strong?

"Ok, sit. I will be right back." She shoved Lillian down on a chair and ran up the stairs, into her room.

Their house was small but very cosy. The chair Lillian sat on had a bunch of pillows, some were very well decorated while the others were messy.

The kids must have been the ones that did this. Lillian thought, picking up a small pillow with a messily sewed heart on it. She placed her hand on the heart, a faint smile coming on her face.

"Oh, hello, Lillian." A man came through the door, a little girl smiling gleefully on his shoulder and two other boys came bursting in with loud and excited voices.

"Hi, Hal." She turned to the two boys, "Brook and Caden. How are you two?"

"We're doing great!" Brook, the little boy with dark blue hair beamed up at her.

"Yeah! Papa and Mama took us to see a cow giving birth!" Caden, the lighter haired twin shouted back, he looked like he saw something spectacular.

"Oh? How was it?" Lillian asked, bending down.

"Amazing! I want to keep helping mama as she takes care of the animals!"

"You should think of becoming a vet." Lillian smiled at him. Ever since she first met them, Caden and Brook have always liked animals. In fact, she first met them when they were trying to nurse an injured calf back to health.

It broke one of its legs and was in pain. Brook held the calf and was softly singing to it so that it wouldn't panic while Caden found a stick and used a torn piece of his shirt to make a stilt for the broken leg.

Lillian was out on a walk and she spotted them, a keen interest bubbled in her as she watched them try their hardest to help the calf.

They were scared of her at first and ran away, the calf in hand, but she happened to visit their home on an errand. She couldn't leave them be so she continued to visit often, always talking about animals and 'making up stories' about other mysterious animals with manes and extremely long necks, soon enough, they got comfortable with her.

… Maybe a little too comfortable though. Lillian thought, seeing the two kids start fighting for her attention.

���What's a vet?" Caden asked, in confusion.

"Oh, well … A vet is a doctor for animals."

I forgot there are no vets yet!

"There are such things?" Brook beamed even brighter.

"Yes. After all, animals need to be looked after too, right?"

"Yes! I'll be a vet when I grow older!" Caden declared.

"Me too!"

"I'll be a vet first!"

"No! I will be and I'll even be a better vet than you."

"As if!"

"Ok, boys. Why don't you clean up? I will start making dinner. Lillian, would you like to join us?"

Hal is an incredibly sweet guy. All muscles and kindness. At first glance, he looks like he would kill you if he breathed too hard but this man wouldn't hurt a fly.

He's so incredibly manly. Lucy, you are so lucky. You got such a caring, loving and attractive husband. When will it be my turn?!

Well, she is also a very beautiful woman with a heart of gold. The rags she wore still can't hide her beauty.

A match made in heaven.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm calling them by their names, which I'm sure you didn't notice or care, it's because they told me to. It took a while but I got used to it soon enough.

"Lillian! Lillian! Guess what?" May got off her father's shoulders and ran to her, a flower crown in hand.

"What is it, May?" Lillian asked, picking the little girl up.

"I made this." She showed the flower crown, pride swelling in her.

"Wow. It's beautiful. Little May is so talented." Lillian praised as the girl placed the crown on her head.

"It's for you. You look so pretty. I want to look just like you when I grow up!" May shouted, she got her mother's wavy brown hair and always complained she looked so plain but I think she still looks beautiful.

Anyway, this is all fake so … yeah.

"I think May is pretty enough just as she is. Don't you think so, Hal?"

"Yes. Her beauty is enough to rival the princess."

"Papa! You're just lying." She may say that but she can't hide the smile spreading on her face.

"No, papa is right."

"Papa is right about what?" Lucy finally emerged, holding something in her hand.

"Let me help you." Hal walked over to her and helped her down the stairs.

Such a big man … but such a gentle grip.

"Mama!" May got off of Lillian's arms and ran to her mother. Pointing to Lillian she said, "She looks pretty, right?"

"Very pretty. The flower crown looks beautiful on you, Lillian." Lucy said, smiling.

"Thank you."

I don't deserve all your words, please stop it.

"What have you got there, dear?" Hal asked, nudging his head to the cloth in his wife's arms.

"Oh, it's for Lillian."

"For me?"

Lucy walked to her, holding the cloth up to reveal a modest yet beautiful light pink dress. It looks like something a woodland fairy would wear with the simplistic yet intricate patterns.
