
"Lillian! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" A man called out as Lillian ran past him.

"Sorry, can't talk now."

"Lillian! You look beautiful!"

"Thank you!" She has no idea where some of these voices came from, she just needed to run to the palace as fast as she could. Even after Jasmine told her to be right on time.

Sorry, I'm so sorry.

Lillian tried to swallow but her throat still felt dry as she gasped while running as fast as she could. If only there weren't many people around her, she could have teleported there.

Why is everyone outside today? Someone must really hate me.

She reached the palace gates but was stopped by the guards, "Halt! Where do you think you are going?"

"I am to meet the princess. She called me here. Please excuse me." She tried to walk past them but they wouldn't allow her.

"If she did request for you then we would have known. Don't you have any proof of your invitation?"

"No, but … why don't you call the princess? She can vouch for me."

"That is out of the question. She is having dinner at the moment and we wouldn't want to disturb her. Come back in the morning."

Huh. Everything is getting on my nerves right now. Wait, don't I know them?

"I've come here several times, Berthol and Lance. It's me, Lillian." She said, smiling up at them.

"Lillian? Who's that again?"

"Don't you remember that orphan girl that the princess keeps inviting over?" Berthol said, remembering.

"Oh, her. You look a little different though. Are you really her?" Lance said, looking at Lillian from top to bottom. "And why would you come now? You never come for dinner. Everything seems so suspicious."

"I admire your thoroughness, Lance but I don't have time to explain. Why don't one of you just escort me to the princess and confirm by yourself." Lillian spoke through gritted teeth, her heart beating a hundred miles per hour.

I can't be late. I can't. Bad things happen when I'm late.

Wait, why are these thoughts coming now? Focus, Lillian.

"We can't leave our positions. If only there was someone here that could announce your arrival to the princess."

They looked around them but they couldn't see anyone, not a single living soul could be found. It was like they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What the hell, author?! Ugh. Fine, I can play dirty too.

Lillian snapped her fingers and summoned a maid from the palace to the courtyard behind the guards.

"Oh, look. A maid is there. Maybe we can ask her." Lillian said nervously.

"Jane!" Berthol shouted and waved her over.

"Berthol. Lance. Good evening. And who is this?" The woman came at a pleasantly slow pace.

Oh, my goodness. Hurry up.

"What are you doing here?" Berthol asked.

"I don't really know. One minute I was walking to my bed chambers and the next minute, I am here. It's so strange." Jain said, resting a gloved hand on her face.

"Perhaps you were so deep in thought as you walked."

"Perhaps. I do have a lot of worries on my mind."

"Excuse me. I apologise for bothering you but I am in a bit of a hurry." Lillian called out, trying to calm her anxiety down.

"Oh, yes. Jane, could you ask the princess if she is expecting a guest? The girl there says that she told her to come for dinner."

Thank you, Lance!

"I never knew the princess to invite someone to dinner. Are you sure she isn't lying." The woman said, looking at Lillian, "But then, she is dressed well, so it could be true. Please give me a minute."

The woman walked into the castle and Lillian was tempted to use her magic again to just teleport her to the princess's chambers.

"Hey, don't look so nervous. If it is true, I'm sure the princess will understand that we kept you back here as a safety precaution even if you are late." Berthol said with a grin on his face.

I know he is trying to reassure me but seeing his scar filled face look so handsome irritated me further.

Wait, what he said is reasonable. So why am I so nervous? it's not like anything bad is going to happen because of this. They held me back for a reason, a good reason. So why?

"Say you are indeed Lillian, why are you so dressed up today. She wears the same a blue peasant dress, so why?" Lance asked.

"Now that you say that, Lance. I noticed that you even did your hair and got all dolled up. What's going on today?" Even Berthol is joining in on this, a teasing look in their faces.

"It's not anything too significant," Lillian said, trying to brush it off.

"She's also in such a hurry, whereas other times, she was so relaxed. What could it be?"

"Yes, I wonder what it could be. Is it because of the King?"

"Listen it's not- Wait, King?"

"Yes, since it is the princess's birthday, the King has come out of his room at her request."

K-K-K-King?! She didn't tell me anything about this. Is that why she invited me only for dinner today?


"Why doesn't anyone know about the Princess's birthday?"

"Only the palace staff know of it. The princess doesn't like grand celebrations. It's a tradition for them both to eat dinner together on this day specifically."

"That would explain why you aren't allowing anyone to enter when the palace is normally open."

"Yes. We also increased our security, just as an extra precaution. Unless you are permitted, you can't enter."

"So you're telling me that even if I walked past the both of you, I won't be able to?"

"Yes. Just what were you thinking, Lillian?" Lance asked, a shadow appearing over his face.

"Nothing. And you are sure I'm Lillian now?" She asked, raising her brow.

"After talking with you? Yup. You are her."

"Well, we never doubted it. We just wanted to tease you a little bit." Berthol admitted.



"It was fun to see other reactions come from you besides that smile you always carried with you. Now it feels like you are actually human with more than one emotion."


"I'm just telling the truth. All Lillian does is smile, we can't read her one bit because of it. Don't say you aren't relieved that she has more emotions and knows how to express them, Berthol. Because it'll be a lie."

"Sure, but still, she's a child. I hope we didn't go too far, Lillian." He looked at her, guilt written all over his face.

"You guys. I thought I was forgotten. You're so mean!" Lillian shouted, feeling hot tears roll down her eyes.

I'm a kid. I can act like this right?

"I'm so sorry, Lillian." Berthol handed her a handkerchief from his uniform pocket. It was beautifully embroidered with lilies. "Lance, say something."

"You coddle kids too much, Berthol." He may say this but he did feel bad.

"I can't accept this," Lillian said, pushing the handkerchief back to him. "It's your wife's gift, right?"

She tried to wipe the tears away with her hands, trying not to ruin her hair. Lucy worked too hard on it to let it go to waste.

Why did I burst into tears? Being in a child's body is doing things to me.

"Now. Now. Lily won't mind. After all, what she'll get mad at me about is that I made a child cry." He raised her head and began gently wiping her tears away.

Ah, man. He'll make such a great father. I feel like crying from jealousy all over again.

What's taking that maid so long?

"Done. Now, no more crying. You'll ruin that pretty face of yours."

Please stop talking about this face. I'll die from guilt. But then, I brought it on myself so maybe I deserve it.

"Ok." She exhaled, calming her raging emotions down. Mustering up all her strength, she smiled at him, "Thank you."

"It's no problem, Lillian. To make up for this, ask me for any favour and I will grant it. If it's in my power."

"Really? Then, can I enter." She tried to give her brightest smile but Berthol laughed.

"I had a feeling you would ask that. Sorry, Lillian. I can't do that."

"Darn and I was so confident too."

"Maybe you want something else?"

"Well, no-"


That voice, it's the princess!

Vaille rushed to Lillian, concern in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot to permit them to allow you inside. I hope they didn't do anything to you." She began inspecting Lillian's face and, messy hair from all the running she did.

"Don't worry, Princess. They are good people."

"Why are your eyes red and swollen? And your face looks flushed. Did you cry? What happened?" She glared at Lance and Berthol.

"Apologies, princess. We-"

"They didn't do anything. I was just a little worried that I would be late so I panicked and burst into tears. They were just trying to comfort me."

"Is that so?" She still looked at them suspiciously.

"Yes. I'm sorry for being late, princess."

"No. I am at fault here. I caused a lot of problems for you, Lillian. Even if I was the one to invite you. I humbly apologise." She bowed her head.

"No. No. Princess. Don't worry about it. P-pleas stop it."


"What is going on here?" A man's voice came from behind Vaille, and I could feel my ears perk up.

This voice, the person is definitely attractive!

She peeked behind Vaille, trying to be as discrete as possible. Several guards stood behind her but there was an oddly commanding presence among them.

They were under the shadows so she couldn't make out their faces properly. But the one with the commanding presence began walking to us.

Come on. Come out to the light. Come on.

The moment the man stepped to the light, I felt the wind knocked out of my lungs.

Heavenly creature. Beautiful sculpted person. I can die happy!

The man wore a robe filled with gold symbols and characters she hasn't seen before. His long raven black hair reached the ground with the dressing gown and shiny gold accents decorated his hair.

His eyes were also gold and piercing.

If he stabbed me, then I would apologise for dirtying his sword with my blood.

Now I understand how beauty can kill.