Time Stop

"Hal," Lillian called to him, peeking out of the cloth he wrapped her in. "Why is there blood on your shirt?"

"It's not something you should worry about, Lillian," Hal said, passing people all around the road. It's a wonder that he hasn't hit anyone just yet with the speed he is walking in. 

"Where is-?" Lillian asked again, looking around for Vaille. She is a little restless but going out of the house and being with the plants that surrounded the town helped rejuvenate her a little more. 

"I'm here," Vaille said, from beside Hal. She was able to keep up with them, fortunately. "How far is it?" 

"Not that far. We will make there if we keep up this pace." Hal said, looking around them as the wails and cries filled the town.

"What happened here?" Lillian asked, peeking through the cloth. She was only able to make out some of the broken houses and people littered around the roads.