On The Way

"What, Lillian?" Vaille asked, holding the doorknob. 

"What did you just say, princess?" 

"We are the only ones in the castle." She repeated, "Do you mean that sentence?" 

"Yes." She looked at Ray with an incredulous expression. "What, Ray?" 

"What do you mean, Lillian?" He asked, amused with the expressions on her face.

"How can you leave the castle alone?" Lillian asked hands held out in front of her. "It is like leaving your body empty and, speaking from experience, that is a very bad idea." 

"Lillian, this castle is the King," Ray said, trying hard not to smile. 

"PARDON?!" Lillian looked at them with mouth agape. "Please do not try to say something that sounds that fake." 

They are just spouting some horror sh- nonsense now. 

"I am being honest, Lillian." Ray insisted, "The castle and the King are connected. That is why he knows everything that happens here. It is an extension of who he is."