Carrying out the Plan

"I do know," Vaille said, understanding what Lillian meant. "And I am honoured that you all think I am worth your trust but that doesn't mean I don't worry about failure. Especially not when it involves this much people." 

They heard a shrill whistle resounding all through the area. That is Ray's signal, they are almost in positions. 

Lillian closed her eyes and saw the entourage, they seem a little startled from the whistle but they are still continuing on their way. 

"Why don't we worry about that if we come to it?" Lillian said, grinning at Vaille, "For now, we have work to do and we need you to concentrate." 

"Alright." Vaille nodded, eyes full of determination, "Let's do this. Ready Jasmine? Aurora?"

"I have always been," Aurora said, waving her hand over her face, creating a doll-like mask over it. Gold lace covered the eyes bust she is still able to see through them.