Body Meeting

Ray ran beyond the corridors as he tried to make his way to the dungeons. 

"Commander Ray!" He heard a voice call out to him mid-step. Stopping in his tracks, he turned to the voice. 

"Lance!" He greeted, "What brings you here?" 

"I am on my way to see the woman they captured." He said as they gave each other a little bow and continued on their way. "I was there, you know, when the attack happened?" 

"Really?" Ray asked, feigning surprise, "I was helping the people in town. I apologise that I couldn't have been there to help."

"You were where you were needed the most," Lance said, patting his back. "Don't beat yourself up over that. You can't be everywhere even if you wish to be."

"True." He said with a smile, "What do you wish to talk to her about?" 

As soon as Ray asked that, Lance looked around them to make sure no one was there. Ray followed his actions, curious if he is looking for someone or if it was something else.