Swirling Magic

"How are we going to get here?" Arthur asked, looking at Hakl. No matter how much he talked, he didn't move from that specific spot he stood on. 

"We will need to create some kind of distraction. If we can get him out of there, we can break the source." Gin said, biting the inside of his mouth as he though. "But how can we do that?" 

"I need to ask this, are you sure we can trust you?" Jasmine asked. 

"I don't think that is-" Arthur began but Gin cut him off. 

"I am trustworthy and I gather you have a plan from the look of your eyes." 

"You are perceptive." She said, stroking her chin. "Fine, I will risk trusting you. But only because we are pressed for time. Princess, I need you to do something for me." 

"Of course." Vaille said, walking to her, "What do you need me to do?" 

"Hold your hands out." As Vaille held her palms out, Jasmine places her hands on hers, letting their magic meld together. "Calling spell."