Lillian's Backstory

"Hey, Liz-" Lillian began as she turned around to see her friend sound asleep on her bed, breathing softly. A smile came on her face as she saw her. "Poor thing, you are tired aren't you?" 

She walked to her, taking the apron off her and helping her properly lay on the bed. She even wore mismatched socks under her shoes, a dress shirt with pyjama pants and no makeup on her face. 

Lillian carefully covered her in the blanket, moving the hair out of her face. She must have cut it again, it looks much shorter than the last time she saw her. Which felt like months ago, though not to her. She even looks a little thinner as compared to before. 

She reminds her a lot of Rose, in some ways. Their no-nonsense attitude and all that, or is it just the short hair? Either way, It is uncanny the similarities. 

Should she introduce her to Rose tomorrow? Will she even be here tomorrow? Not getting up to work immediately?