New Dress for One

"I apologise for walking away like that, Saintess," Fawn said, coming back to her. 

"It's ok. I got some things done while you were busy helping everyone you came across." She said, looking at her notebook. "I have a more cohesive idea right now of what I can do and what I can. But we will still need to walk around the town so that I can see what we are working with."

"Of course, Saintess." She said, bowing a little bit as they began to walk. 

"Say, Fawn. Aren't you hot in that suit?" 

"It is a little warm but I need to put this on." 

"Why? So that no one will recognise you?" 

"Yes. I do not like showing my face to the common people as well." She said, fixing her helmet as the sun continued to bear down on them. They walked a couple of steps more before Lillian stopped walking out of sheer frustration. 

"Is something wrong, Saintess?" She asked turning to her.