Ferris Wheel

As she continued to run around in the place, she noticed that there is not much of what she initially intended. Especially on the Ferris wheel. It just stood in the middle of the field, standing there like it is a decoration. 

The people would stand and stared at it, not understanding its purpose than leaving. 

"Well, this is a problem," Lillian said, laughing. 

"What is, fairy godmother?" Roman asked, hands in his pocket as he looked over his shoulders at the Ferris wheel. "What is that for? No one could figure out its purpose but still created it none the less." 

"I appreciate that," Lillian said with a smile on her face. "I regret that I was not able to give proper instructions during the construction of this." 

She pulled the coat she still wore from the man in the forest closer to her without realising it. 

"Why do you still have that on, fairy godmother?" Roman asked, pointing to the cloak around her.