Sneaking Out

As they are walking, Lillian suddenly realised something as she stopped in her tracks. 

"What is it, Lillian?" Ray asked, staring at her.

"I just realized, I don't know how to dance." She aid, bringing her hands to her mouth. "What am I going to do, Ray?"

"I don't think that is important, Lillian," he said, a faint smile on his face. 

"It is to me." She said, frowning at him. "What will happen if someone asked me to dance with them and I will only have to refuse them?" 

"Is that what you are worried about, Lillian?" he asked, staring at her with a little too much patience. 

"Of course I would be worried about that." She said, hands on her hips. "I need to look good to all the attractive people that are going to be there at the ball." 

"This is not a dancing ball, Lillian." Ray finally said, smiling. "You know that right?"

"What? What kind of ball does not have any dancing?"