
"You said that you do not know how to dance but you are able to quite well, Lillian," Roman said kneeling down as he helped her off her shoes. 

"Thank you." Lillian sighed, reaching down to massage them. "My feet are tired and I was only able to do that because all we did was sway. It was not even a real dance move." 

"What would a real dance move be then?" he asked as he sat down beside her on the broken stone ledge.

"Something more than just swaying." Lillian fluttered her hands in the air, "Something like this?" 

"I do not know of a dance that requires you to move your arms like you are trying to fly." he laughed, placing her shoes beside him. 

"I know that I am not good at dancing but I have a bit of rhythm. I think and I pride myself with that." Lillian said, crossing her arms in a fake huff. "You will have to teach them to me sometime."