Just an Idea

"Yes?" Lillian asked, looking at Ray and Vaille whose faces scrunched up with horror once they saw how she looked. 

"Judging by your faces, I must look awful," Lillian said, laughing then grimacing in pain once again. 

"Don't do that," Vaille said, walking to her as she took the cloth and dipped it in the basin beside her, helping to wipe some of the set the ran down her face. 

"You don't have to do that, princess," Lillian said, trying to stop her but made eye contact with Ray instead. "Hello. How was your trip?" 

Once the king of Acaer left, Ray had gone on a trip to see what he can learn about this and if there is any way to remove this. 

Vaille had been extremely busy with meetings with the delegates that came on the night of the ball. Many are offering their services and more are demanding exports form Lurais.