White Egret Orchid

"Come, fairy godmother." Roman took her hand in his and pulled her to the crowd, except above them. 

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking at him. 

"The woman said to follow her right?" He asked, pulling Lillian with him. "That is what we are doing right now." 

"Really?" She asked, just following him. "How do you know where she is going?" 

"Feel her magic essence." He said, pointing to nothing in front of him. "I am just following that. She left that trail for us to follow after all." 

"I have no idea what that is but I will just following you," Lillian said, grinning at him. 

"Ok," he said, smiling at her as well. "You just have to sit back and relax." 

"Yes, sir." 

They followed the woman's 'essence' and finally got to the outskirts of the town. 

As they kept going, they stumbled across a small cottage in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees.