Wedding Plans

"The Saintess is here, your majesty." The person at the doorway announced as Lillian and Roman entered the room. 

There are paintings all over the room and a single table in the centre of the room. 

Candles in low chandeliers filled the entire room and Lillian walked very carefully to make sure her hair would not burn because of the candles.

Does all dining rooms look like this or something? Lillian thought as she looked at the layout of the room. 

"Welcome, Saintess." He said, standing up and walking to her. 

"It is a pleasure to be able to meet you a second time, your majesty," Lillian said with a raised eyebrow to him. 

"Likewise." He said, mirroring her sarcastic tone. "Please, come sit. Is there anything you cannot eat?" 

"I am allergic is peanut butter," Lillian said, sitting down on the chair opposite to him.